Hot Toys DX Bespin Luke Skywalker

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thanks KD...bit blurry but i had a shot that i wanted and i think i got it with the weather vane!!!
Amazing figure..
Yeah, the pic with Lando is cool.

Congrads on Luke. Make sure you actually take him out of the box!!

Im never gonna let you live that down. :lol

:lol That came up in the 89 Joker thread right?

Are you the person with the little pup that stole one of your figure parts, & ran under the couch - or something? :rotfl
We will get you fixed up Luke ..In the meantime I'll grab ya a 40 of good old COLT 45 for the PAIN ....:lol

very cool pics glenn...
Loving the Lando pic even the blanket is cool:clap

I finally got my color scheme on my Jedi Luke's hair to where I like it, I'm loving the PERS on this (More pics on the Custom Jedi Luke thread)

Clearer shot
cheers for the thanks guys.
i used the tatooine luke poncho for the lando/bespin luke pic above.
deciding now if to put tinsel and baubles on the weather
I got one more so I could weather his uniform a little. He's sitting on my tower on my desk at work. Made a little Bespin window for fun. Love this figure!

I just got mine last week and it is now hands down my favorite figure,I hope they do an anakin next.with a lava robot stand.
I got one more so I could weather his uniform a little. He's sitting on my tower on my desk at work. Made a little Bespin window for fun. Love this figure!


Awesome display! Thanks for sharing the backdrop! :clap

My temporary setup for Luke. Too bad Vadar did not fit as he is just too tall!!

Is that the IKEA coffee table conversion? Great job! :yess: