Hot Toys DX Bespin Luke Skywalker

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Ok. Wow. I wouldn't have suggested that but to each their own. I'd be too afraid of not being able to get to the pers.
I don't bother with the eyes, so it wasn't an issue. But I do plan on putting another magnet in, then it'll be business as usual.
Got DX07 for Xmas. The magnet on the head wasn't glued in properly. The lightsaber hooks on both Luke had to be reglued. And the antenna had to be reglued. All were quick fixes, but other than than, I really like both the normal and BD versions of Luke
Received Luke for Xmas as well and man is this figure amazing! I like others had to do some glueing but that was minor. $300 for two top notch figures and a sick weathervane display is such a bargain imo. Easily one of if not favorite figure.
I noticed my BD body was missing it's saber clip. Thankfully I found it in the box, otherwise I wouldn't have had any idea where to look for something that small if it had fallen off somewhere in my house. :monkey4

EDIT: And just now I notice his belt is missing one of the two button on the left side. Oi.
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Not sure what you mean..

Mine has one?

There's a grip hand, sure. But if you're displaying both figures, then you have the choice of using it on one or the other.

I had opened mine on the day it arrived, but boxed it up immediately because 1) I had a mountain of figures that arrived at the same time, and 2) I was frustrated by the awkward fit of the hairpieces. Reading through the problems that other people were having, I had an "Ah-ha!" moment at the mention of the magnet issues. Sure enough, both of mine had popped loose.

So I unboxed mine late last night and started playing. Glue fixed the magnets in the heads, but I'll have to play a bit with the holster straps ... both magnets on the BD body's holster were stuck together on the outside. :lol At least the inner holster magnet isn't missing...

I'll have pics up on my blog later today, or by tomorrow at the latest.
There's a grip hand, sure. But if you're displaying both figures, then you have the choice of using it on one or the other.

Looks like we both got badly packaged Luke's Terry:

Ten (10) pieces of interchangeable palms including:
One (1) pair for gripping unlit lightsaber
One (1) pair of fists
Three (3) pieces of relaxed palms
One (1) magnetic severed right palm stump
One (1) right palm for holding blaster pistol
One (1) left palm for force push

Sites that are parting out the hands also show a pair (ie LH and RH) saber gripping hands.
Luke needs both grip hands. When they filmed Original Trilogy, the lightsabers were supposed to heavy, as to make it seem the sabers wielded a lot of energy, so that's why Luke uses both hands in the OT.
So the DX should use both the right and left hands to grip the lightsaber hilt
Luke needs both grip hands. When they filmed Original Trilogy, the lightsabers were supposed to heavy, as to make it seem the sabers wielded a lot of energy, so that's why Luke uses both hands in the OT.
So the DX should use both the right and left hands to grip the lightsaber hilt

Yeah, always thought it was cool that Luke had to use two hands in the duel when Vader only used one most of the time.
So I'm trying to figure out the weather vane. When I took mine out, it was seperated so I could see the wiring. Now I just matched up the little notch and they went together but I can't put any weight on it whatsoever. I tried and the bottom fell off and the blue lightbulb popped out of the dome. I can put it back no Problem though. Were the two pieces supposed to be glued together and the glue just dried or something?
Mine was the same way. I just glued it back together myself, but it seems HT didn't use a good glue this time
Had some problems, but they were easy fixes. Magnets in both heads were loose, lightsaber hooks both fell off and the magnets on one of the holsters came loose. A little locktight and they were good as new.

Also was excited to get an "UKE."

Have to say this is one impressive figure. I'm hoping for a Vader or Han (ESB) next.
Kinda pissed because after the top vane fell off, one of the little plastic antennas broke off but it's an easy enough fix and I guess if I'm gonna glue the main bit back together, I can fix that too.

Aside from the antenna and the head magnet glue issue, this figure is amazing.