Hot Toys DX Bespin Luke Skywalker

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Not at all PJB! I love it!!! Perfect!

Good to know, Fang. Your photo may be the most inventive (yet so simple!) use of the weather vane accessory I've seen yet on this thread. It's cloudy all the time where I live, but it never occurred to me to do something like this. It really captures the drama from the movie scene!
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Thank you so much. I wanted to take one more pic of Luke... and the sky was blue again. Totally sucked.
When it clouds over again I'll post that new pic and that would be awesome if you could "Bespin" that pic too, please

sent from my burnt out Tumbler
Wow, Fang! I like your photo so much, I thought I'd do a little color-tweaking to make it look more like Bespin. Hope you don't mind.


Not at all PJB! I love it!!! Perfect!

Freaks teamwork....gotta love it. :hi5:
Hi guys I received my BD skywalker this weekend and wow its amazing I just love it. but it was just a bit to clean for my liking so I did a bit of work on him...





What do you think


Cool!! He looks better than ever. ...or maybe he looks worse than ever? I dunno. But I like it. Great job! :)

sent from my burnt out Tumbler
Hi guys I received my BD skywalker this weekend and wow its amazing I just love it. but it was just a bit to clean for my liking so I did a bit of work on him...





What do you think


Wow great job on that.