Re: Hot Toys's DX04 - Enter the Dragon: Bruce Lee 1/6th scale Collectible Figure
Move over Pix, it's my turn.
Trolling reported!
You can't do anything but post posts with infantile namecalling? You call people who enjoy this release HT __________s and now call me a hypocrite. That's pretty pathetic. Life must really suck for you right now.
Provoke you? You're the angry ranter, bub.

The only "fact" is that at this very moment, an Enterbay Fanboy is trolling a Hot Toys thread. Did you forget what you said?
That sound like meaningful contribution to the topic? Chances are, if it does, you're trolling.
You are a Hypocrite.
Facts. After our little encounter in the God thread recently, I have deduced you to be
1) A defamatory liar. You claimed I did and said something which I did not.
2) Illiterate or a Hypocrite or both. You spout board regulations that you not once but consecutively repeated and broke, as you are doing now. Talk about not adding anything to the conversation.

Hypocrite, illiterate, post whore and attention seeker.
Now I deduce you to be
3) A cry baby. I suspect you'll be reporting me to your mommy if you don't get some satisfaction from a mod.
4) A troll. You follow my posts from thread to thread with no other intention as to call me out on whatever it is that doesn't align with your opinion, making you an intolerant opinionated troll. As is always the case in these online stouches, I am sought out to make look bad but it's because I don't have the discipline to look the other way or turn the other cheek. You want a fight, there are sticks all over the ground. Pick one. You seek to personally attack me and I will defend myself.
5) Intolerant
6) You accuse me of having a life that sucks and laugh about your own comment, which isn't funny. Yet you spend more time than any other member posting here. Post count + time as a member = Maths is hard, you work it out. Hypocrite, but as that has already been mentioned, let's make 6 Humourless.

Not to mention
7) Not knowing what the hell you're talking about but typing on regardless. Muck raker.
8) Choosing to point out when I rant yet also choosing to allow others to rant on without consequence. Hypocrite. That one seems to come up alot. I'll leave it at 7 for now , but don't worry I have more for however you choose to respond.
So it's up to you. You have numerous options. Keep it up. Drop it, Learn from your mistakes. Be ignorant. Report me or not. Cry or laugh yadda yadda yadda, but please, if you want there to be a next time, try something more original. Repetition leads to boredom.