Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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I didn't make any personal attacks, name names or call any individuals chimps in that statement... I just said that there's a group on here who are acting like chimps throwing poop around. Because they absolutely are. There is no doubt whatsoever who is trolling this thread.

And, Josh, where is this newfound tolerance of those expressing displeasure when it's on a product that YOU like?

Well, stating that doesn't help get the thread on track that was my point. As far as my new found tolerance its always been there honestly. You just have to get to a point to know when not to beat your head against a wall. Plus Dave selected me to be a Mod and I take that responsibility seriously as one can or should.

It's not strange at all. I understand entirely. To a lot of people, this was a highly anticipated figure. There are a LOT of Indy fans out there, and based on what we have seen from Hot Toys in the past couple of years along with the HIGH price, they expected a lot better, and they should have gotten a lot better. If you are fine with it and choose to "settle", great! Enjoy your figure. :hi5:
I truly hope you do, but can you please stop being so thin-skinned when others have a differing opinion? Indy is getting extra attention because he is iconic, he has an extra-large fanbase. (no Comic Book Guy jokes here, please) Chris Reeve Superman is getting lots of attention right now too, but it's more positive, again, because he also is so loved and iconic but *his* headsculpt is a beauty. it's amazing the same guy did both. If only Indy's headsculpt had gotten the quality revision Supes got... :(
People have tried for YEARS to make a perfect Indy for themselves, check all the custom threads... people getting different accessories, different clothing items, etc from different customizers, all hoping to finally combine to make "that perfect Indy". We all thought he was finally here since HT was making him. I preordered him just as I preordered the SS Indy way back when, but sent him back because he was crap. If there was a good headsculpt there, it was lost under a terrible paintjob and horrendously glossy plastic. Does anyone have a glossy head? Totally bizarro. not to mention the new body was disappointing, and not just because it was floppy, the proportions sucked, too. That made the HT Indy even more exciting, and it felt like a "last chance" for a good Indy. I had to cancel HT Indy, too.
It's very disappointing. We obviously have different tastes, and different eyes. Some people see HT Indy as acceptable, some don't. You do have to admit, though, it's telling that so many don't like it. You don't see nearly that many "thumbs down" posts in most HT threads, so something is obviously lacking. Why take it personally if you like him? Feel free to have him.
I won't knock the HT Indy clothes and accessories, they look nice, certainly better than any other Indy figure thus far, but that head does not meet the level of quality we have come to expect from HT.
The reason people keep talking about it is because we know HT looks at these threads, people want to be sure HT knows many of us are not impressed, and we expect better, especially for an over $200 figure. They had better internalize that, or they will slowly erode their business in an economy like this. We want a better likelihood of it not happening again. High price means we expect perfection! They really should send customers a better head, like they did with the John Connor figure. If you pay $200+, you deserve it!
I'm the exact opposite of some of you, apparently- I don't know why you let other people's criticisms bother you if you are happy with it- move on, or just talk positives and skip over the negatives. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have no problem with you liking it, and saying you do, but don't expect me to flee your lovefest. :panic:
Honestly, if they get discounted somewhere, I might buy one at a sub $200 price... at some point someone like Kim Serang will make a better head if HT won't. I think the glaring issue here with most of us is that we should have gotten a better head at that high a price point. :whip

...and to those of you who have posted all the funny pictures, thanks for the entertainment. Some of us appreciated it. You're a creative bunch of humorous dudes. :duff

Oh, and for those who say "email HT directly with your complaints", sometimes a public outcry is a lot more embarrassing and leads to better results than keeping your complaints private.

Now back to your "only say good things about this release or get fussed at" thread already in progress. :lol

:goodpost::exactly: See now THAT is a good way to argue your disappointment in the figure!! It's not rude or abrasive and its constructive. A lot of these others don't have that.
Now back to your "only say good things about this release or get fussed at" thread already in progress. :lol

Jiminy effing Christmas... Why is it so hard for some to understand that the issue is NOT that some hate the figure, but instead the way in which that is being communicated??? Also, branding some of us who think the figure is just okay as "praising" or "loving" the sculpt isn't doing this thread any favors, either. That kind of thing makes it impossible to have a rational discourse. Almost like we're communicating in completely different languages all of a sudden, like we're all on the Tower of Babel or something.
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If you are fine with it and choose to "settle", great! Enjoy your figure.

I don't understand this statement. No head sculpt is 100%, it isn't possible. It is a human interpretation of another humans characteristics and we all see things differently. Some sculpts are really good, some average and some not so much. It is mostly the individual perspective how they see a figure which determine their tolerance of "settling".

In the end, we all "settle" when we buy these things. I don't know why this term is tossed around like an underhanded slap to the face. :dunno
Well, stating that doesn't help get the thread on track that was my point. As far as my new found tolerance its always been there honestly. You just have to get to a point to know when not to beat your head against a wall. Plus Dave selected me to be a Mod and I take that responsibility seriously as one can or should.

Okay, fine... so as a Mod why are you now singling me out for responding to the obvious trolls instead of engaging the trolls themselves in the first place? The thread has been a disgrace for some time now.


Oh, and I meant no insult using the word "settle", not every purchase is "settling". I don't get that feeling with a good 80% of my HT purchases, usually I'm pretty impressed or amazed. My expectations were greatly surpassed with New Goblin recently.

Stop being so self conscious! :thud: it. I got in trouble for calling one of the trolls an ass. :lol

Well, no one on here should be calling individual posters names or making personal attacks against specific people.

There IS a difference between calling an individual an "ass" or saying "Man, there are some people here who really act like *****." We should try not to make it personal. Because it isn't personal (at least for me). Ironically, though, I'll make a broad statement about group behavior (not naming or singling out people) and then I'm the one who gets needled personally. :lol Used to it, though. It's been that way here forever.
Okay, fine... so as a Mod why are you now singling me out for responding to the obvious trolls instead of engaging the trolls themselves in the first place? The thread has been a disgrace for some time now.

I'm hoping I can make sense to people who should be able to act like adults and rationalize why I'm talking to them directly. As far as saying anything to people trolling the thread who says I haven't or mods for this section haven't?

Well, she's pretty darn attractive I must say. :clap it. I got in trouble for calling one of the trolls an ass. :lol

If you were told that by a mod in PM posting this kind of post isn't gonna help your cause to not get in trouble again.
I think some people just get too personally invested in these threads. it's action figures, everyone should be able to express their opinions whether it be joy or disappointment. I enjoy reading both sides of a discussion, whether amazingly blindingly positive, or obsessively cave-dark negative. It's like seasoning, it all adds flavor! We as a board have gotten releases improved or changed through our critiques and obsessively nerdy eyes for detail. I see this whole discussion as constructive, who wants to live in "shiny-happy-take-what-we-give-you-and-like-it" town all the time?
I'm hoping I can make sense to people who should be able to act like adults and rationalize why I'm talking to them directly. As far as saying anything to people trolling the thread who says I haven't or mods for this section haven't?

Well, unless you did so in just the past few hours it obviously didn't produce any results. :lol

We'll see how tomorrow goes. Hopefully this thread can be relatively rational for once. :duff
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