Scale wise, yes, MMS 42 hat would be the optimum, while the DX figures are closest to the Medicom figures of the Jack's made, they are still larger, so the Hot Toys hat would be in best scale. Like I said, for me, going Medicom has been the only option, and it's not as though it's a huge discrepancy, it works well enough. As for the DX hats, I applaud HT trying to add value to the set for going with faux materials instead of sculpted, but, like the fur pelts on the belt, going faux leads to an inaccurate look. I think the DX figures should strive for a balance of premium quality and accuracy. They could have done a well sculpted hat with highly detailed paint scheme and it would have been as well received, maybe even better received, doubt anyone would complain that it was sculpted and not pleather.
At this stage, I'm done buying parts except the MMS 42 hat, should opportunity arise, and the Pearl rudder if I see it for sale.
Meantime, I have begun converting the DX06 headpiece from OST to a DMC/AWE version. Unfortunately, the dongle on this one was attached via a slit into the whole sculpt. I’ve filled it in, but unfortunately patch work with paint may be hard, I think I’ll be repainting the whole thing. As nice as the details are from HT, having studied many photos and put together my own Jack costume to wear, there are things that specifically show of the bandana pattern in the movies that isn’t on the HT paint, so I will fix that too.