This looks nice. Glad they finally released it for those who want a Bespin Luke and don’t want to pay DX07 prices.
First impression is that I think first offering was much more lucrative though for what it came with. I also think the BD DX07 version captured a Bespin Duel Luke portrait a bit better. One because the figure was BD, and two, I personally think the hair piece captured the sweaty, matted down look a bit better. This one seems a bit poofier. I also like the DX07 boots better. Haven’t decided yet if the sculpt portrait on this figure is an improvement over the DX07. I want to say it looks to be a reuse of the Mandalorian Luke sculpt? But I’m not sure.
To me the major differences would be potentially better suit tailoring, upgraded belt, and potentially the figure being a bit larger (haven’t looked at specs to compare heights). To me the DX07 seems a bit small, but perhaps that’s actually accurate.
I used to have to the full DX07 set but sold off the BD half and kept the clean half, as I thought that covered more ground to represent Luke in that garb from ESB. I’m happy staying put with that. He’s still one of my favorite, if not favorite, SW figures. Maybe if they double dip and make a BD version, I’ll bite on that.