I used the PMC operator for my Mac Ready
Mac Ready from THE THING
1/6th Customized by Elvis1976
Head Sculpt: Hot toys repainted
Sweater+trousers+jacket: Dragon + weathered
Boots: Dragon boots + weathered
Glove: Hot Toys/Weathered
Weapons+flame thrower+holsters: various + weathered
Base: Self-Built using printed papers and other stuff
Body: Hot Toys true type
Mac Ready from THE THING
1/6th Customized by Elvis1976
Head Sculpt: Hot toys repainted
Sweater+trousers+jacket: Dragon + weathered
Boots: Dragon boots + weathered
Glove: Hot Toys/Weathered
Weapons+flame thrower+holsters: various + weathered
Base: Self-Built using printed papers and other stuff
Body: Hot Toys true type