I'm a little astonished that even some of the most recent Mks have this fading issue with the cod piece or neck. I've been holding off on buying an Iron Man until they get that fixed but looks to be a perennial issue, in which case I'll stick with my SV War Machine and Monger for X number of years until it's definitively resolved. No excuse for this kind of issue considering the expense.
While I know this has been discussed ad nauseum on these boards, I can't help myself. I used to feel the same way about Hot Toys, and in an ideal world I would expect nothing less than perfection from these figures.
However they're made by human beings, in what is most likely less than ideal situations. I've learned over time that if anything, you should always expect some sort of QC issue from your Hot Toys figure.
Yet I feel the fading undies on Iron Man figures is not that big of a deal. Mine at least are barely faded, and would only bother a perfectionist such as myself. It's really a simple fix, and yes I know I have to spend more money on a figure that, ideally shouldn't have this problem. But at least I can fix it, and if the need ever arises I can fix it again or even completely repaint the entire figure. The same can't be said for some of the QC issues on other figures. I'm not going to get into that, but it's safe to say that other Hot Toys releases have issues that take more than a little paint to fix. What I'm saying here is that if anything the Hot Toys Iron Man line is the safest bet of getting an issue free figure.
In the end I think that people fall into 1 of 3 camps when it comes to Hot Toys. Those that are aware of the QC issues, and learn to live with them, those that are willing to attempt fixes to the QC issues, and those that demand perfection and are unwilling to fix or live with QC issues. Of course there's people somewhere in between, and people new to the scene who are unaware too.
As I've seen many say these figures are mass produced, and it's unrealistic to think we would ever live to see the day where a new Hot Toys release has no QC issues whatsoever. As expensive as they may be, the cost would be 10x higher if they were spending the kind of attention to detail that would result in issue free figures.