Hot Toys - IT: Chapter 2 1/6 scale Pennywise

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It's a nice touch that his legs are appropriately lanky too; the QMX one hasn't missed leg day at all.

Would definitely recommend. I think its just a really well done movie regardless of genre, there's coming of age elements with the group of kids, fending off bullies, different dynamics with their parents, some comedic moments, etc.

I'll definitely take your word and give it a shot then. The richness you describe almost reminds me of Stranger Things in regards to childhood development.
The angle makes the head look better, still a bit underscaled

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
not all figures come out 100% sure that can be seen on a comic con right?

Not clear about what you are asking.
If you are asking if we will see this figure produced I would say "yes." There is enough momentum in this license to see a follow through on the part of HT. Now, is it at the top of their make list I would say "no." We might have a bit of a wait. Would be nice to see it within a year.
nah i mean: HT make some proto type figures for comic con and that things.

But not all the proto types you can see are on the market (or will matbe ever come)
Not clear about what you are asking.
If you are asking if we will see this figure produced I would say "yes." There is enough momentum in this license to see a follow through on the part of HT. Now, is it at the top of their make list I would say "no." We might have a bit of a wait. Would be nice to see it within a year.

I think HT is hedging bets, make a figure thats popular now, but NOT release it until after the film releases tp ensure to sells.

I think the learned alot from the Suicide Squad issues...

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

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