Well one thing's for sure now-- I'm definitely going to need to add a samurai sword to my John Wick weapons arsenal. In fact I may enjoy posing him with that even more than the guns. 
Just saw the film this afternoon. Definitely seemed to be the longest of the JW films, and was without a doubt to me the one with the most action and most bodies dropping. Really enjoyed this installment.
I used all my RP on SSC on EG Thanos when I was originally planning to use them on this or JL Aquaman. No regrets using them on Thanos, but I will be picking this figure up at some point.
Didn't like this one as much as the first two to be honest. It started out great and the knife fight in the antique store was one of the most insanely cool things ever, but I found myself kinda losing interest halfway through, and the later fights were never quite as good as those early ones. And the further we get from that initial drive for revenge which made the first movie so compelling, the more it feels like we're just watching Wick go through the motions of fighting and killing people.
That said though, it was still a pretty damn cool action movie and much better than most out there.
BTW if anyone's interested I found this cool article explaining how some of the major action sequences were done:
Definitely getting this. Just wish it had PERS so he could actually look where he's shooting
Do you guys think this is a one and done figure, or is there a chance HT makes a JW1 and JW3 figure later on?
Do you guys think this is a one and done figure, or is there a chance HT makes a JW1 and JW3 figure later on?
yea that's the only other thing I would really want is a white shirt version, maybe bloodied up a bit for a little more battle damage
I want to say one and done, but he did have longer hair in JW3, not to mention “the thing” with his finger. As someone already mentioned, he could always also be a little more BD as well and include some different accessories with him, such as some blades. I don’t think they’d make one for each film, but they could perhaps make another one that’s a bit more beat up with different accessories and hands, and then leave it at that.
The hair might be an error. You have to remember, this series takes place in a very short time frame. I starts a few days after his wife's death, as referenced by Viggo Tarasov. Not sure how long it takes after that before Santino D'Antonio comes calling. The space between end of 2 and beginning of 3 is about an hour. So you figure this whole debacle takes place within the same month maybe?