The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
JW will not go after Winston. It's part of the plan. Winston actually saved everyone by shooting JW on the roof, including JW. Winston got to save face and keep his hotel, Wick looks to be out if the picture, and the Bowery King is alive because he didn't receive his full comeuppance. (I only counted 6 slashes, not 7) Chapter 4 will be JW, BK, and Winston clearing out the High Table. Traditions will be changed, a new leader installed, (maybe Wick) or JW will be excommunicated once and for all without a bounty on his head. He will be allowed to leave in peace. Really, that's the best option. It's too costly to them to keep sending people after him. Between him and Thanos, there won't be many people left.
He fell 200 feet tho. Was that part of the plan?