I have mixed feelings about this figure. So much was done right, but there is so much lost potential. The weapons are done well, but little details are off (like the back half of the barrel blocking off the ejection port of the Glock 34 or the wrong stock on the AR15). What really annoyed me was the complete lack of kit, so I'm gonna try to fix that here, using the movies as a guide.
We'll call the left one (white shirt) the John Wick 1 load and the right one (black shirt) the John Wick 2 load.
John 1 is configured using the loadout he'd had during the Red Circle gunfight, with the addition of a low-profile rifle mag carrier, which I'm including for the sake of covering all of his equipment in one go. He's wearing soft body armor under his white dress shirt (which is why it appears bulky, especially in the back). His basic load consists of an HKP30L in a low profile belt holster, a Glock 26 using an inside the waistband (IWB) holster, two mags for HKP30L in a low profile leather mag carrier, and a boot knife strapped to his left ankle using an elastic band (not pictured).
It's a light, effective loadout... And nothing like what he carries to the party in the second movie.
John 2 is wearing the full load from the night's party.
He's using a hard holster for his TTI-customized Glock 34, another IWB holster for TTI-customized Glock 26, a single low-profile mag carrier for his AR15, and a pair of double pistol mag carriers for his Glock 34 mags.
In addition to his primary load, he's also carrying four 8-shell shotgun speedloaders attached to a web belt. All told, he's carrying a rifle, a shotgun, a primary pistol, backup pistol, two spare rifle mags (one in a carrier on the rifle, one in a carrier on the belt), four spare pistol mags, and an additional thirty-two shotgun shells. "One-Man Army".
Additional views of the gear:
Sourcing of the gear was uncomplicated. The holster is DAM or Easy&Simple (I can't remember which), the John Wick 2 pistol mag carriers are DAM, the John Wick 1 and 2 pistol mags are Easy&Simple, no idea where the rifle mag carriers came from, and the rest of the gear is custom. The boot knife, IWB holster clip, and shotgun speed loaders are all carved, melted, and shaped from styrene (usually old hotel keycards or expired credit cards). The John Wick 1 gear and John Wick 2 IWB holster is all leatherwork sewn using Rio Rondo leather.
Just for laughs, here's the John Wick I made in 2017 for my Wife before HT announced theirs. The weapons have all been upgraded since (as shown in the pictures).