I'll agree with that. I think there's padding added in there which I don't think it needs.
Those arms are too huge and not even in proportion to the deltoids anymore.
Although Batman could have missed shoulder day....for the last 2 years lol
@jasmes the cat The neck of the cowl looks better imho. Getting just the right amount of increased thickness seems too be the trick. Did you mod the chest as well? (If you did not easy to tell from the angle, I guess.)
Are you going for personal preference with the neck to make it more BvS-like?
Didn't you tone down the padding on the neck or did you add more back.
Hot Toy's JL Batman is what would be an example of a "you can't polish a turd."
Given it?s not my favourite, I prefer batman begins & the bvs over it not to mention the Burton batman but it?s still pretty epic
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Great display!