I hope so. You guys have been the laughing stock of the world for long enough...
And I will add that this is truly unprecedented for our nation. Ronald Reagan is
turning over in his grave. (I say this as someone who believes Reagan was one of the few great modern presidents even if I completely disagreed with him on a number of core issues.) Never in a million years would Reagan have solicited a foreign power for help in defeating a political rival. If you know anything at all about Reagan... my God. Never. (And Russia? Ukraine? China? Reagan would be having convulsions.)
As conservative judge Andrew Napolitano has pointed out, regardless of how one intreprets whether Trump did so via a prid quo pro... which anyone looking it dispassionately and logically must conclude is self-evident from Trump's own words...but anyway irrespective of that... the act of
soliciting such foreign assistance is,
in itself, the very definition of a "high crime" that the framers of our constitution were concerned about. It seems Trump's defense strategy is to double down and act like it's no big deal. The message is that this is just how business is done, etc. Trying to normalize it. But he's hoisting himself with his own petard. Add to that veiled threats against the whistleblower which is witness intimidation. If he continues to exhort followers to rise up in a civil war that is sedition. We'll see how bad this gets as he continues to melt down.
The core facts of the case... provided by none other than Trump himself!... are simple and easy for virtually any observer to understand. And those core facts will not go away despite every attempt to obfuscate or misdirect from them. The Trump support base will continue to defend him for a while yet. Mainly they'll minimize it. They live in their own insular information bubble (as do hardcore liberals). But the average uninformed voter does
not inhabit that conservative news source bubble. And the law is the law. The constitution is actually clear about this. Furthermore, from an ethical standpoint if you agree with Trump you disagree with Ronald Reagan. (There's no way to square this.) Almost by the minute it becomes more and more painfully embarrassing and difficult for Republicans to continue to support the president.
Especially given Trump's exceedingly poor judgment and impulsivity recently (since the story broke but especially yesterday--and it may get much worse), there is no way this damage will be undone. Come election time the clips of Trump himself behaving erratically, and anyone supporting him as such, will be played over and over and over in attack ads. Forget any moderates and independents voting for him at this point. Literally, unless Russia and/or China hacks into the U.S.'s voting system Trump cannot win the 2020 election. Only in the staunchest Republican states and districts would Republican candidates have anything to do with him. Anywhere that moderate conservative, independent, or so-called Reagan Democrat voters are in play Republicans simply cannot afford politically to be associated with Trump.
Sorry, as this is way off topic... I began by speculating about whether Trump's political troubles could affect trade relations with China and then release of our HT 1/6 collectible figures... but I felt compelled to address the comment about how this appears to the rest of the world.