Hot Toys Justice League Superman

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I think he'll be one of the last to go up for sale due to the fact he's going to get an all new headsculpt and all we see is his bvs one in the pictures.

That would be my way of thinking to. Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg and the other Batman look almost ready to go. Supes must be a little further behind to still have the old sculpt. I'd guess he'll be after those but before WW as they have to push out all her solo movie stuff first.
That would be my way of thinking to. Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg and the other Batman look almost ready to go. Supes must be a little further behind to still have the old sculpt. I'd guess he'll be after those but before WW as they have to push out all her solo movie stuff first.

Also we have to wonder if Batman is getting a Wayne head sculpt. That would take time as well. I think Aquaman or Cyborg is next.
Also we have to wonder if Batman is getting a Wayne head sculpt. That would take time as well. I think Aquaman or Cyborg is next.

Haven't they already had to do a Wayne sculpt for the battle damaged armour version?
I think he'll be one of the last to go up for sale due to the fact he's going to get an all new headsculpt and all we see is his bvs one in the pictures.

At the same time, apart from the color, this one is similar to the BvS one, so, they might sell and release it for roughly the same time as the movie since:

-it is unlikely they'll have other JL figures ready in that time frame
-it is essentially a repaint, so a potential shelf warmer. So they may want to capitalize on fan wanting something close to the movie release and that would be their best bet to sell more Supes rehash.
Looks like Kotobukiya giving us a look at JL Supes....

I'd like to reach our voice to anybody from HT about that glue issue . some collectors said in the fb group that other figures have same problem too. its not paint or anything what reacts . its glue which after some ages turns yellow. I wish clothes were sewn on somehow molded to avoid the glue.
If you look at pictures of everyone's BvS Superman in the thread, they pretty much all have it. Some worse than others, but for the majority, it's merely just a mild goldish tint above the glyph. Although it is an issue, I really don't think it does anything to render the figure as an eyesore; it's only discernible under a bright white light and even then, it's kinda like "eh". Not really a big deal.
Mine doesn't have it at all but I was wondering. Shouldn't a blue black paint wash be enough just to get rid of it! From what I see, it's visible in the recessed parts. A wash would pool there, solving the issue.