Dude im sorry but you're dumb, all of your questions is answered by the movie itself.
Pay attention while watching the movie and you will understand the answer for all your questions
Annnnd, added to ignore list.
Dude im sorry but you're dumb, all of your questions is answered by the movie itself.
Pay attention while watching the movie and you will understand the answer for all your questions
Also I think that trial was called because they accused Superman of killing those hostages at the start of the movie. But the hostages were shot, Superman doesn't use a gun, why would anyone assume Superman did that? It doesn't make any sense.
And the whole thing with Flash traveling through time and then going inside Batman dream. I didn't know Flash could do that. Those are 2 very different powers. I don't know if that was bad editing or Zack just making **** up but its another example of a blatant disregard for the rules of the characters.
Dude im sorry but you're dumb, all of your questions is answered by the movie itself.
Pay attention while watching the movie and you will understand the answer for all your questions
What I absolutely hated in BvS was the courtroom scene. First the idea of putting Supes on trial is really interesting and funny. Something the comics would do. Like 'Thanks for saving me, oh btw Summons!' It could've been a really cute scene with them cross examining him. Maybe he has a court appointed lawyer and its their first day and they're not ready. I actually wanted to watch the trail but then Zack has to turn it into a bloodbath. (nothing against bloodbaths they're fine when they make sense) But Superman would have never never (never) let that bomb go off. Full stop. That was just factually inaccurate. Does not compute. It defies the rules of the character. It broke the movie. He would have detected that bomb. Even if the wheelchair was made out of lead, that would've just made it more suspicious. 'Hmm thats odd, that wheelchair is made out of lead. Probably something they don't want me to s-its a bomb.' For him not to have had that thought is inexplicable. Even if he was distracted by the questioning cuckoo: ) he would have heard the chemical reactions or smelled them. Or he would sense that Lex's heart rate was too high. There is no explanation. No excuse. You couldn't convince a 5 year old to believe this. Its just bull ****. And they don't even try to justify it in the movie. Like oh.....it was a cloudy day. He had a cold. There was Kryptonite in the courtroom. Nothing.
What should've happened is, Superman grabs the wheelchair with the guy in it, flies through the roof, pulls the guy out of the chair and throws the chair up right before it goes off. Then the guy tells the police that Lex Luthor gave him the chair. Lex gets arrested. Bats and Supes have a picnic. Thats the only logical outcome. Theres only 3 possible reasons for the scene to play out the way it did: 1) Hes not really Superman, he doesn't have all of his powers. 2) Professor X is there and he psychically masked Superman's senses so he doesn't notice anything. But why would Professor X do that? or 3) And it really seems like this is what they're implying- Superman detects the bomb...and decides to do nothing. Just to be a jerk.
Also I think that trial was called because they accused Superman of killing those hostages at the start of the movie. But the hostages were shot, Superman doesn't use a gun, why would anyone assume Superman did that? It doesn't make any sense. And the whole thing with Flash traveling through time and then going inside Batman dream. I didn't know Flash could do that. Those are 2 very different powers. I don't know if that was bad editing or Zack just making **** up but its another example of a blatant disregard for the rules of the characters.
I have mildly enjoyed the Snyder movies but I don't understand why he keeps making movies the length that he knows won't work theatrically?
Anyway, with the rumors going around, I wonder if we'll get a Green Lantern figure out of all of this.
I have mildly enjoyed the Snyder movies but I don't understand why he keeps making movies the length that he knows won't work theatrically?
Anyway, with the rumors going around, I wonder if we'll get a Green Lantern figure out of all of this.
And I maintain that a wheelchair made out of lead would have grabbed Supermans attention immediately. 'How odd, a wheelchair of all things, is made out of the one substance i can't see through and by chance we both happen to be in the same room. On today of all days. How peculiar. One might be inclined to investigate further but alas I, someone currently being framed for murder, am not a suspicious man.' For him not to notice that is just unbelievable. He would have to willfully ignore it.
I'm not a huge fan of the film either but I'll try to be devil's advocate here - is it possible he wouldn't notice the composition of the chair unless he specifically scanned it with his X-ray vision? And perhaps he didn't do so because it didn't even occur to him. He still wasn't cautious and cynical enough. Once the bomb goes off he immediately realizes his mistake what with that look on his face as the place burns around him - though that little moment also went against him in the eyes of many viewers because we generally think Superman should instantly jump into action to try to save people - instead he just stood there for an unknown length of time, disappointed in humanity. Heck it took the Extended Edition to even show him helping out at all after this incident. But anyway, the point is he recognizes his blunder and confesses so to Lois later on if memory serves.
My only problem with Superman in the DCEU is Clark Kent. At the end of BvS he was in a coffin in his moms house in Kansas. They had a body that was dead. Yet at the end of JL there he is changing into Superman. How did they explain that?
I believe it was meant to be explained in the original JL cut with a scene between Perry White and CK. The public answer was supposed to be similar to what was in the comics with CK being trapped under rubble from the Doomsday battle if I remember correctly (though it has been awhile since I have read the Death and Return of Superman series honestly). For the movie however, Perry was supposed to help him formulate that answer while giving Clark the kinda wink/smile implying that he knows who Clark really is seeing how Perry (and I believe Jenny) where at his funeral and saw his body. So they, along with Lois, would be the only ones at the Planet who knew his true identity. But like many other things that were cut, we never got to see that in the theatrical Josstice League.
I?m curious about that as well, because there were a LOT of people at the funeral, so it?s not like in the comics where Clark was ?missing?. These people all saw his body.
You?re correct though, in the comics they had Supergirl pose as Clark and Superman rescued ?him? from the Doomsday rubble (because at that point Supergirl was some weird shapeshifting alien) in order to keep his cover.
BvS was well shot with great visuals. It had some cool scenes but I didn't care for a lot of the events that took place in the movie. With the Snyder Cut coming I plan on watching it again to see if I can get a new appreciation for the movie. Hopefully with it finally fitting into a bigger picture I'll like it more in the future.