Wonder why they don't even have a proto sculpt of Miller yet?
Is he asking too much for the rights
Everyone liking the look of the Flash figure? I'm going on a limb and betting that his articulation will be about as restrictive as the first Ant-Man. I know this is a DC thread and some might not collect MCU figures but it's worth watching a review of the solo Ant-Man figure so you'll know what to expect.
I think it'll have about the same as zod..maybe better
textured bodsuit with plastic armor on top.
Wow, eggsactly! Sounds just like Ant-Mannot Zod. This is all speculation so I'm not going to argue it out, I just noticed too many similarities between AM and Flash.
Why the tude pal?
who is trying to argue?
the ****
Everyone liking the look of the Flash figure? I'm going on a limb and betting that his articulation will be about as restrictive as the first Ant-Man. I know this is a DC thread and some might not collect MCU figures but it's worth watching a review of the solo Ant-Man figure so you'll know what to expect.
I don't think it will be like Ant Man. Flash has breaks in his armor at every joint which will give it better articulation than the pleather jump suit.
What is it people aren't liking about the costume? I actually have really liked every one of the costume designs so far, and the flash doesn't seem to be super far off an original look.