Hot Toys Justice League Wonder Woman

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Absolutely the case, likeness is entirely subjective. There have been scientific studies into this and individuals brains focus on completely different aspects of a person when recognising likeness. Some will see likeness in the bvs version (not me, though it's a pretty passable Morena Baccarin), some will see more likeness in this. Others seem to be completely impressed with the TA version.

Personally, none of them look like gal Gadot.

My eyeballs inform me that the TA does the best job of conveying Wonder Woman, and the JL version is the best option if you want her in "the suit". But the choice between BVS and JL versions is simply a choice between two figures that don't look like Gal Gadot, so which one looks the best to you I guess.

For me, JL. Why?
More determined expression, better hair, not as vacuous......looks more like the Wonder Woman of the comics, the bvs more like an inflatable "adult" doll. This JL version will also be consistent standing next to my TA version. I had the TA standing next to the BVS and it looked like 2 different people. This is the same sculpt (much argued minor differences aside) and they will look better together.

If you are after a convincing Gal Gadot, my advice would be to wait on a future version, because they haven't made one yet.

Other opinions are available :)
I switched out the TA headsculpt with the JL one and I like it a lot better.

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I saw someone say they reordered the BvS version and canceled this one and I'm lost for words.
That was me.
People will call me blind but I legitimately see Gal Gadot in this I really don't know what to say.
You seem to be in a muddle. Just look at this and type the first words that come to mind. Bearing in mind this is a PG forum.

SSC Arrival notice received. Due in SSC warehouse in 12 days.

Should get my Deluxe version Oct 4.
That was me.

You seem to be in a muddle. Just look at this and type the first words that come to mind. Bearing in mind this is a PG forum.

View attachment 427285

In the interests of equality and fairness, if you posted a bvs profile shot or a TA profile shot against that picture of Gal, they wouldn't look any closer.

And good news that the release is finally here!
Naysayers have 12 more days to slam this before we get it in hand! :lol

BTW, I agree about the nose but it's so tiny in hand I won't care too much.
I don't have an extreme problem with the sculpt but has there ever been a precedent with Hot Toys to send replacement head sculpts or maybe improve the head sculpt mid-production? I mean, they literally would just need to retool the Training Armor Version.

If not, I'm positive professional knock-off artists will take the Training Armor Version and make their own. Maybe even with sculpted hair.

Another goodwill gesture by Hot Toys would be to include two head sculpts (granted they are better) with the Wonder Woman 1984 figure so we can throw that head onto the JL version.
I can live with the massive nose as that won't really be noticeable from a regular viewing angle, front on a few feet away. The eyes are oddly far apart, hopefully that's not too distracting. Just wish the figure would hurry up and get here to finally have the first of the Justice League.
I assume there is no issues with the cloak staining the skin since there doesn't seem to have been any complaints about that so far. I think I will display her wearing it but slightly open so the armour can still be seen. It's too good to just leave in the box!

With any luck she won't be standing on her own for ages waiting for HT to release the rest of the line. :lol
Really miss having a Cavil Superman in my collection since selling him earlier in the year.

Ha ha.......and yet sir, the debate will no doubt continue. I notice that on the TA thread a boarder just rated the TA likeness a 9/10 but the JL 5/ can the same head be 4 points less on likeness? Complete madness.

Either they are both average or both amazing. I'm in the both average camp, but there are some bizarre arguments persisting.
I assume there is no issues with the cloak staining the skin since there doesn't seem to have been any complaints about that so far. I think I will display her wearing it but slightly open so the armour can still be seen. It's too good to just leave in the box!

With any luck she won't be standing on her own for ages waiting for HT to release the rest of the line. :lol
Really miss having a Cavil Superman in my collection since selling him earlier in the year.

Cloak is cotton and sateen inside. Can't stain. Or shouldn't, at least.

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