Same boat. I shouldn't encourage them, but I can't stop...I must have the figure. It's a hobby after all, I get to do dumb stuff.
I was dumb enough to drop 500$ on both the Medicom Old Snake and Raiden a few years back

Same boat. I shouldn't encourage them, but I can't stop...I must have the figure. It's a hobby after all, I get to do dumb stuff.
I think people keep wanting Hot Toys to be the company they think they are, but they aren't.
Anybody able to point to a good (or bad) review of this guy? I never pulled the trigger as something about it felt off.. Even after seeing it at SDCC this year.. but my love for MGS is strong and like a sirens call, it still pulls at me.
The figures hot, it looks great and has a good amount of stuff, yeah the articulation is crap do to the suit, but I knew that going in. If your a fan of mg3 this is the best there is, if your an articulation junkie, move along. The best way to discribe the articulation is to compare it to 89 batman, its about the same if anyones wondering. The sneaking suit was the right choice for this piece, as all the other suits have already been done in 1:6.
Now all I need is a soild snake and I'm good, not interested in the boss figure, its not my cup of tea and the caractor while important to the story does not need to be on my shelf.
I think you and I are probably the only ones who feel this way. I always liked the Sneaking Suit. But, judging from the reactions in this thread, it would have probably been wiser for Hot Toys if they released a standard camo for Big Boss first, and then have the Sneaking Suit as a convention exclusive.
Hopefully, Hot Toys is making changes to The Boss' head-sculpt (since the figure is delayed for some reason). I really would like to get that figure, but it's just too fugly![]()
I think you and I are probably the only ones who feel this way. I always liked the Sneaking Suit. But, judging from the reactions in this thread, it would have probably been wiser for Hot Toys if they released a standard camo for Big Boss first, and then have the Sneaking Suit as a convention exclusive.
Hopefully, Hot Toys is making changes to The Boss' head-sculpt (since the figure is delayed for some reason). I really would like to get that figure, but it's just too fugly![]()
Well, aside from Plissken, a few members & myself, I don't think there's that much of a negativity here on the boards. The Boss however, we'll wait and see.
For those who are still in doubt, why so? It's the best and most realistic MGS figure to date, and that alone should be enough to warrant a purchase if you are an MGS fan.![]()
I think you and I are probably the only ones who feel this way. I always liked the Sneaking Suit. But, judging from the reactions in this thread, it would have probably been wiser for Hot Toys if they released a standard camo for Big Boss first, and then have the Sneaking Suit as a convention exclusive.
Hopefully, Hot Toys is making changes to The Boss' head-sculpt (since the figure is delayed for some reason). I really would like to get that figure, but it's just too fugly![]()