Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater - Naked Snake (Sneaking Suit Version)

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Great deal!!

How?! Are you stateside? Man, I'd jump all over that if it were still good and bash out a Fatigues version

It's on sale @ Angolz... for both The Boss and Naked Snake.....

Other HT figures too....

My N. Snake just shipped....

Do use the facebook code for more discount.... (If you combine shipping you'll get a better shipping price, however you can only apply one code per transaction)
It's on sale @ Angolz... for both The Boss and Naked Snake.....

Other HT figures too....

My N. Snake just shipped....

Do use the facebook code for more discount.... (If you combine shipping you'll get a better shipping price, however you can only apply one code per transaction)

You mean the $5 off you you join or like their Facebook page? Too bad shipping cost about $50 for a HT figure. I would love to pick up Boss for that price but shipping kills it.
You mean the $5 off you you join or like their Facebook page? Too bad shipping cost about $50 for a HT figure. I would love to pick up Boss for that price but shipping kills it.

Search (google) and you will find.... or you can pm me....

Just realised this Sunday will be the year of the SNAKE.....

I'd get my naked snake in the year of the Snake.....

p.s....."naked" The Boss is rather expensive...
I just tried the code but it didn't work (probably expired). Was looking to get Snake and Boss at the awesome discounted prices but shipping was too high so it pretty much cancelled out the discount price. Oh well, maybe next time.
This figure is beautiful. People should stop whining about it not being a fatigues version and snap it up before they decide they really want a Snake in their collection but their pickyness put them off to a point that they are twice the price in the secondary market
you just get it kiva???? i have it and love it. it has way more poseability than others say. my mother even said when she came to my house "whos this guy? he looks so real." and shes the type of person who could care less about my collection. yeah its a 3ds rendition but people gotta admit this looks more like a real life representation of him and not a toony gamer version. (which i admit id like more)
you just get it kiva????
Ive wanted one ever since i first saw the reveal pics. I finally got enough money together to order one a few days ago (its in transit to me)

But i have been all over the place watching in hand videos and looking at in hand pics. It looks like a fantastic figure. And whilst im still pretty sure i can get some great poses out of it i dont mind that much because the figure looks great whilst stood stationary too

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