Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater - The Boss

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Wow! I think she looks incredible! So so much better than the promo shots! So, is there any word on whether or not either this or Snake have outfits made with Easymelt™ rubber?
Wow! I think she looks incredible! So so much better than the promo shots! So, is there any word on whether or not either this or Snake have outfits made with Easymelt™ rubber?

The white on The Boss is made of stretchy pleather... while under the vest of Snake is strechy spandex-like material... The silver material on the Boss and the Grey material on Snake are pleather that does not stretch really well...

Speaking of the Boss... I missed a Bargain of it at around USD100 by a small time-window I suspect...
I think he's referencing how the DX02 Dark Knight figure had a strange reaction to something that caused the rubber on the figure to melt.

I was referring to the fact that many Hot Toys figures have clothing made of a rubber that deteriorates over time. I just want to know whether or not these were made with that material.
her suit as well as snakes dont give me the feeling that they will fall apart or rip. they seemed designed very well. i dont think you have to worry aside from the other guy saying that the weaving on her leg separated. this was probably due to bad qc.
one person here had the separation of the leg weaving pnel near the hip but no one else that ive seen. just know her suit is ridiculously tighter than snakes.
Might have to return mine since there is no magnet for the CQC knife under her clothing...

Its under there it's just really weak try rubbing a magnet on the sheath for a while it'll stick on her collar easier if you push your finger from behind her clothes you can see a very very tiny magnet I thought mine wasn't there either

Sent from the Shell by codec.
Its under there it's just really weak try rubbing a magnet on the sheath for a while it'll stick on her collar easier if you push your finger from behind her clothes you can see a very very tiny magnet I thought mine wasn't there either

Sent from the Shell by codec.

I found it thanks Jason, I kept opening her collar trying to see if it fell out. I found it right before I read you're reply. Problem is the trigger hand thumb and middle finger snapped when I tried to put the Patriot in her hand. But I am going to order a replacement from Toy Anxiety for 2.99$ and I should have it by Thursday.

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