I was just thinking using the split head as a temporary place holder until I can get a cheap original.
Shame about the shirt, may try to keep his arms near his body to try to mask the implied size. Any techniques that works for others ?.
As for the body, as I understand the heads need
THIS sort of neck connection ?. Will try to pick up a cheap body. ATM I am just going to a basics budget look for the Police Biker look, he will be put at the back of a shelf. Then just be on the lookout for the proper parts casually but still at a reasonable cost.
I do have a spare uniform shirt on the way as I was contemplating a open biker jacket look. White shirt, for now I may butcher a old shirt on mine and make a faux collar to give the impression of a full shirt for him.
I haven't seen the move in a while (blasphemy) but is the holster and equipment belt needed for both/all versions of him ?. If so are there any cheap look alike's that will do the job ?.
I would put the move on tonight but I am on a strict schedule of first watching the Alien movies then Die Hard. It will be about a week before the Terminators get into the schedule...lol.
Deepest apologies if all these little questions have been answered before. Its just a little hard to read through 114 pages. Another need for each figure to have a FAQ !
I only bought T2 T800 about a month ago at .....£300
