Poor Christian
When will he ever get a break?

Why wouldnt they?I hope SS gets him!
now now... there's no need to put down bale just because worthington is the next big thing. bale earned every feather in his wings.
and dont get too hyped up about the new film. check the reviews. worthington is great, yeah. everyone said that. but the film itself falls way short when compared to the first 2. those were more adult oriented, this new one is said to be geared more towards teens.
Did anyone actually think it would be even close?
Did anyone actually think it would be even close?
never underestimate today's audience. $85 million opening gross for wolverine. that says a lot of what they think is a great movie.
never underestimate today's audience. $85 million opening gross for wolverine. that says a lot of what they think is a great movie.
Are you comparing TS falling short to T1 & T2 as a great movie or in terms of box office results? Those are 2 big difference because T3 made just under half a billion dollars and was also a weak film.
Because for what it was, it was a good movie, a fun action blockbuster, but as an entry into a series, it was a very weak dropoff from what the first 2 installments were. Sequels that fail to carry on the magic of the originals can still gross well at the box office. T2 is highly acclaimed because it's a rare sequel that carried on the spirit and great qualities of the original.
No, that says a lot about how hyped up people get for movies before they're out. 70% drop off in sales after week one says what people think is a great movie.
Are you comparing TS falling short to T1 & T2 as a great movie or in terms of box office results? Those are 2 big difference because T3 made just under half a billion dollars and was also a weak film.
Never once did I find the movie decent, even as a stand alone entry. It was goofy and lame. I found it humorous though, i'll give it that much.
part of it was marketing hype, sure. part of it was also the strong words of mouth. fact is lots of mediocre movies outperform the great ones at the box office(and i'm not even talking about arthouse films). that says more about the audience general taste than anything. to them adam sandler is the king of comedy, and michael bay is the king of action.
T:S could be one of the greatest movies ever, but if it doesn't fit as a Terminator film, it may still not succeed, that's the downside of being part of an ongoing story, even if you're good by yourself, there's an expectation, and rightly so, that you'll mesh with the other films.
not quite. i believe the new film just has to be GREAT on its own, and people can forgive if it mesh a little with the mythology set by the cameron films. this is an all new chapter after all, with an all new cast. just look at the RT ratings and box office gross of the new star trek.
Back onto Marcus for a moment, i have to say I'm stunned at the price this comes in at, in a positive way. I figured this could be pushing $170 given what's included and how the figure's excuted.