Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Ok dyed his suit. Is it to blue?

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After searching like crazy for pictures of that webbing belt, I actually found many with it on the ROTJ outfit... and only a couple where its peaking out from under the girth belt in ESB. You really need the belt for both figures.
After searching like crazy for pictures of that webbing belt, I actually found many with it on the ROTJ outfit... and only a couple where its peaking out from under the girth belt in ESB. You really need the belt for both figures.

Yeah, the US divers belt I more associate with ROTJ Fett. It really isn't very visible in ESB, whereas it's a clear part of his outfit in ROTJ (though I don't think it was supposed to be - I think it was supposed to be a practical support for the backpack frame.)

It's still a nice little detail to have poking through a bit so long as it doesn't add too much thickness to the layers (the layers is what one of things that makes Fett so tricky to get looking right - he has stuff piled on stuff.)
Have to decide exactly where I want this belt after all, assuming I can't get a 2nd one (which is looking very likely). Maybe I'll leave it where HT put it... its very hard to see in ESB or find clear evidence of, but it is very present in ROTJ like you said... so maybe HT had its reasons.
Have to decide exactly where I want this belt after all, assuming I can't get a 2nd one (which is looking very likely). Maybe I'll leave it where HT put it... its very hard to see in ESB or find clear evidence of, but it is very present in ROTJ like you said... so maybe HT had its reasons.

The other issue is the HT buckle isn't very accurate - the buckle face is too narrow and the bracket edges too thick. I built a custom buckle out of styrene (and used a slightly wider black webbing.)

Though I built this for my ROTJ Fett, where the Divers belt is very clearly visible, so it was worth it - with ESB you can half-hide it and get away with it because it's really not that visible.
Am I the only one who's bothered by all the pics with the goofy-looking sling? All that work put into the figure, but that sling defies gravity lol. Just messing around with it with your fingers, like twisting the rectangular loops can make a difference. I'm not gonna go full accuracy on it as I modify minimally as possible, but the strap definitely needs an ironing and an adjustment if the buckle is going to be used, so it's not so long.
I also look at the 501st site and on FB there is a group: Star Wars rare vintage photos - they have some very rare pics there

Well, I am using Sideshow's version 1 rocket backpack, along with their version 2 gloves, and am pretty happy with this ESB version. I was going to use some extra snowtrooper wrist pegs, but the gauntlets are pretty snug, so I do not see the black pegs at all. I also moved the holster.......awesome figure. At least until that 20% even slightly more accurate version 2 hits in the next two years (we are onto you, HT)
Awesome pics as always, I cannot wait to have my ESB Fett next to my ROTJ Fett. I have always been more partial to his look in ESB, do you have a preference?

Thank you! They’re both great to own. For the figures, I like the ESB more. But in the movies I’ve always been more into his ROTJ outfit.

ESB > ROTJ for sure!

Take those ankle spats off ESB! LOL

I agree as well for these figures. Thanks for the heads up on the spats too! Never noticed he didn’t have them in ESB. I guess they’re just meant for the pre-pro look then.
Are these guys both stock or modded?
They’re both stock, no mods done to them [emoji108]
Great comparison!

All I see now is the oversized gauntlets. Damn my eyes!
Thanks Wor-Gar!
so no web belt with divers buckle, and ROTJ skull instead of ESB? Damn that's some epic failure. I went hard on SS's premium ESB Fett for having the wrong skull, I gotta say, very disappointed HT did the same. Especially since they went out of the way to do the Proto skull on the secondary set of shoulder bells. How could they mess up the ESB skull? Looks like there will be some SSC ESB V2 part swaps with the HT ESB. Hopefully I can get the diver belt to work on the HT, maybe also swap the EE-3, and obviously swap those shoulder bells
Is the v2 SS the only Fett to get the shoulder symbol right?

Is this correct:


Funny because I have the SS V2 and the correct symbol (tho I didn’t know enough to realize that) with the HT helmet on it but I have that coveted symbol all covered up.


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On=Wor-Gar;9902439]Is the v2 SS the only Fett to get the shoulder symbol right?

Is this correct:


That’s the difference people are complaining about. Minimal but of course I get the ones who are really into the detail. But this is very much a non issue for me.

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Wor, that's correct.

It may be a small detail to some, but painfully obvious to anyone who appreciates and wants to see the differences. If you're buying just 1 fett, then yeah I guess the symbol doesn't matter, but if you're going through the trouble of making your Fett the best version it can be like a lot of us want to do with our figures and one of the main reasons we are here having these discussion, or maybe you're displaying an ROTJ here and an ESB there and now even a Proto over there, yeah this is unacceptable for the price we're paying. I don't mind issues we can't prevent, like a perfectly shaped helmet or perfectly blue dyed suit... but an incorrect skull symbol is a slap in the face. I don't want to get all hot and bothered here but it was unacceptable paying that premium format price and it's unacceptable paying these new 1/6 prices. Imagine buying an expensive sports figure an the team logo being inaccurate, or buying a fancy scale model car and emblem on the hood being inaccurate. It's just *****ty, and lazy. You put a nemrod scuba logo on the holster and you're telling me they just snoozed on the shoulder symbol? If you're doing the Proto Skull, you know there's a difference. So how did you miss it? It blows my mind. I could go on for days, it's just disappointing when you want your grail figure, especially one like Fett which is a favorite, just like Vader is, we spend our time here talking about it because we want it to be awesome. ESB was the one for me. I can switch my shoulders off my sideshow and port the us diver belt over, but what about all the other guys in the same seat as me who don't have the v2 to do this? Sucks for them, and I think it just sucks overall either way. Welp, guess we'll wait for the next one amiright guys lololol. Between Vader and Fett discrepancies they'll keep us collecting until the end of time. Jokes on us lolllllzzzzz0rz