Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I don't know Wor-Gar, I feel some of these blue colors are pretty accurate. Kenner figure was a little too blue, but not terribly off. I know Kershner used some blue filters in ESB on Bespin and especially on Hoth, but photos like the Red Hallway scene with Lando don't seem to have a blue hue, yet you can see on his sleeves the costume looks pretty blue. The proto suit was clearly blue, and the final pic is from BobaMaker ( and a comparison pic of his ROTJ costume). He makes probably the most accurate/researched Fett suits, and his ESB suit is pretty blue compared to his ROTJ.

I personally have been too busy/lazy to dye my suit yet, but I've got my china blue ready to go. Just want to add a bit more to mine then what HT did.

There are a lot of accuracy issues with Boba Maker kits but I know he's been working on fixing a majority of the glaring ones, especially on his ESB kits.

What we know for sure if that the flight suit used in ROTJ is the flight suit used in ESB. We know it was sun bleached and lot a majority of the blue dye. When there has been examination of the flight suit there are still areas (under the sleeves for an example) where the blue is still present and very much blue.

Here’s a pic comparing the 2 Fetts. There are more.

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Not even BobaFett could survive the “me too” movement with photographic evidence like this.
“Do you deny the allegations Mr.Fett!?”
”No, but did happen a long long time a galaxy far far away.”

just got my dlx fett in today. man memories of the large size fett I had many years ago. upgraded the side show with the HT helmet now the fett`s are complete.
Finally all in the shelf. Boba is looks damn good. (Apart from the gauntlets being too big and the jetpack too small- again)
Finally all in the shelf. Boba is looks damn good. (Apart from the gauntlets being too big and the jetpack too small- again)


The bounty hunters always look like a 1970's supergroup - IG-88 on cello, Zuckuss on bass guitar and Dengar on lead guitar. Fett's lead singer with 4-LOM as the waif and Bossk as the crazy man.
Yes, I kind of think that Dengar should be the bass player, Fett the lead guitarist and Bossk the crazy front man/singer.
Would it make sense to modify the deluxe helmet to fit ROTJ Fett? Would it be more accurate in the shape? I just never liked the ROTJ helmet. Too narrow and long.
I just watched that over the weekend. Fantastic behind the scenes doc. I never knew it existed until recently.

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