Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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That's why i'm not the biggest fan of it will always differ from the original source. Morrison was too short to play Boba's daddy in the PT and it's now hard to envisage him as the original Boba fett. If anything he now looks more like an over weight, middle aged cosplayer who's just strayed onto the set.

More so with his now new super clean/repainted look! Why does he need to repaint the armour to look like TESB version again? Has he 2 different sets of armour? As there's definitely 2 different jet packs?? And why is he still wearing the daft looking long skirt underneath?

Maybe it will all be explained later...but it doesn't make much sense and feels more like a load of fan service.
Yeah, in a perfect universe Pedro Pascal would have been the right age to play Jango in 2002 as he would have been a much more believable stand in for Fett and then TM could have played Mando. But it is what it is and I actually love his clean new look.
Though I don't love the prequels either, I can be more forgiving of things like actor changes over years, what can you do? Morrison was actually a highlight as Jango and should have had more screen time, or at least a better death. What they should be doing asap is getting a correct fitting of a costume for him as Boba so he doesn't look like a cosplayer. In-universe, I don't see how Boba wouldn't repaint the armour, as the paint wasn't just scratched up anymore, it was almost completely gone. What I don't get, is if he has supplies for repainting the armour in Slave 1, would he not have a spare flight suit?
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Ha ha, very true. Makes for entertaining viewing though.

Imperial Officer: "What's your designation son?"

Mando: "Uh, Empire...person?"


One thing I?ve noticed is Mando doesn?t seem to know how to lie. When the X Wings showed up previously it was a lot of ?uhhh? same in chapter 15.
What I don't get, is if he has supplies for repainting the armour in Slave 1, would he not have a spare flight suit?

From a marketing point it's pointless to pit him in the flight suit, and make him look as close as possible to OT Fett. From day one Star Wars has always been about selling toys and refreshing the look of characters. It's always about the marketing. Sideshow's Mythis Fett is now selling well, and Hot Toys Mando Fett with skirt will sell out. Both versions, the damaged and fresh paint. Not only that but "Skirt Action Fett" will be selling Turvis Mugs, TShirts, Figures, Statues, Jammies, Microwave Popcorn, Limited Edition Prints, etc, etc.
Boba is going to sell regardless of what outfit he's in, so the cynical idea that that marketing people are telling the show runners who should wear what and when, doesn't really hold water for me. Besides, Boba in a new flight suit is never going to look like the OT Boba anyway, so it's just another variant as well.
That looks fantastic. The helmet you've made for him is just night and day, when I look at it it immediately strikes my brain as "Boba". When I look at the Hottoys ESB helmet it looks so weird.

What?s was done? This does look great. But I also like the stock head, is it not accurate?

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Great eyes on the look-out position, Khev! On one last nagging note - what little we saw of him in the OT, and half of this is just interpretation, he seemed like more of a strategist than a brawny straight forward brawl guy - he would out-smart his adversaries. He didn't have the build to be a brawler, and he cut and ran to fight another day on bespin rather than facing luke head on, and when he did in jedi, perhaps he was inappropriately acting as jabba's bodyguard, maybe not a role he was comfortable with? I prefer to believe the jedi storyboards over what was filmed. I'm interested to see where they go with it, but it seems this is a new fett for a new era.
Shhhhhhhhh not so loud let everyone keep thinking that Filoni understands the OT.

Oh wow yes Mr. Filoni thank you for making Fett into a weapon brawler with extra girth it totally reminded me of ESB Fett!

Great eyes on the look-out position, Khev! On one last nagging note - what little we saw of him in the OT, and half of this is just interpretation, he seemed like more of a strategist than a brawny straight forward brawl guy - he would out-smart his adversaries. He didn't have the build to be a brawler, and he cut and ran to fight another day on bespin rather than facing luke head on, and when he did in jedi, perhaps he was inappropriately acting as jabba's bodyguard, maybe not a role he was comfortable with? I prefer to believe the jedi storyboards over what was filmed. I'm interested to see where they go with it, but it seems this is a new fett for a new era.

I argued with several walls of text for Fett The Strategist but it doesn't fly with a lot of fans. I think your succinct summation was more elegant than mine by a fair margin. :duff
Matrix has used the ear parts and the back of the helmet from the sideshow figure and the front of the old marmit bucket, then combined them and painted the whole thing. He posted some pictures in the ESB Fett mods thread, and I think the results speak for themselves. I like the stock HT bucket but it has some pretty glaring inaccuracies. I thought the first pics of the Mythos Fett bucket looked pretty accurate sculpt wise, but I think the production sculpt looks worse, most notably missing the helmet width and flare. If only someone would sculpt a bucket that looks as good as the Mafex ones :lol
I think the newly painted armor looks sharp but the robes just kill it for me. I can't imagine Boba's very comfortable with that cape running down his armor :lol
I wish they gave him a new, black flightsuit to fit the look. The tatooine robes looked cool on their own but they look very strange with his whole ensemble now in my opinion. I also noticed that Fett repainted his jetpack that nice sea foam green color seen in Empire again, which actually looks pretty good with those sportscar red gauntlets. My first kneejerk reaction was to hate it but it's growing on me. I can't wait to see what the Hottoys figure is going to look like. I just pray that we get a new bucket sculpt
Great eyes on the look-out position, Khev! On one last nagging note - what little we saw of him in the OT, and half of this is just interpretation, he seemed like more of a strategist than a brawny straight forward brawl guy - he would out-smart his adversaries. He didn't have the build to be a brawler, and he cut and ran to fight another day on bespin rather than facing luke head on, and when he did in jedi, perhaps he was inappropriately acting as jabba's bodyguard, maybe not a role he was comfortable with? I prefer to believe the jedi storyboards over what was filmed. I'm interested to see where they go with it, but it seems this is a new fett for a new era.

I argued with several walls of text for Fett The Strategist but it doesn't fly with a lot of fans. I think your succinct summation was more elegant than mine by a fair margin. :duff

I always imagined Fett as more of a cold calculating type as well, not that he couldn't handle himself in a fight, but that he relied more on his witts and skill than anything else. The original voice in ESB gives off this dark intelligence that lends itself to seeing Fett in this way. Morrison's Fett comes off as less of a thinker, but who knows what's still to come. It's certainly a different Fett than I imagined growing up, but at least he's alive and in new stories.
One of the really weird things I find about the series is how it feels as if Din is new to the galaxy, or at least, he behaves as if the events of the OT were as far back as the actual films were, like 40+ years. In reality, you'd think he'd be quite aware of who Boba Fett was, as he's only been MIA for like 5 years and before that he was notorious throughout the galaxy for his entire adult life.

Yeah it's quite odd that he somehow wasn't aware of the one other famous bounty hunter in Mandalorian armor. Or that people he encounters aren't constantly asking if he's related to Boba. Lol
I found it odd last episode when Mayfield looked terrified seeing Fett, then relaxed when he realized it wasn?t Din.

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I am really excited to see Fett back but alot of things about him are odd. To be honest though, the one thing that gets me is how helmetless he has been depicted. I am used to never seeing adult Fett without his helmet in media (except for kid Fett). It is jarring to see him in slave 1 without the helmet. And since bald old jango isn't how i always pictured him, i would prefer he kept it on. Though that would probably be my preference for most characters in Star Wars that wear a helmet.
I always imagined Fett as more of a cold calculating type as well, not that he couldn't handle himself in a fight, but that he relied more on his witts and skill than anything else. The original voice in ESB gives off this dark intelligence that lends itself to seeing Fett in this way. Morrison's Fett comes off as less of a thinker, but who knows what's still to come. It's certainly a different Fett than I imagined growing up, but at least he's alive and in new stories.

I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea of a Fett who not only works with other people, but has a female hunter living on his ship with him. Wow! This is a first. Or almost a first..... Fett, tolerating other people. Not complaining about this, mind you! Its just freaking me out a bit, how NICE this version of Fett is.

As for his abilities, he was trained by Jango and its hard to imagine a more calculating guy. So i expect Boba to be calculating. But his melee skills are not slacking either, and i expect THAT from the books be they current canon or not.
I expect Fett is only doing this til the Child is found and back to Djin,since Boba made a promise.
After that,I see him back to the Fett we know!!
I am really excited to see Fett back but alot of things about him are odd. To be honest though, the one thing that gets me is how helmetless he has been depicted. I am used to never seeing adult Fett without his helmet in media (except for kid Fett). It is jarring to see him in slave 1 without the helmet. And since bald old jango isn't how i always pictured him, i would prefer he kept it on. Though that would probably be my preference for most characters in Star Wars that wear a helmet.

After his experience with Sarlacc, he must have thought "What have I done all those years? Looked at the world behind some synthetic visors. If I get out of here, I will certainly see the world with my bare eyes.".
I really like this new look for him. The black robes look amazing to me, kind of like he?s the bounty hunter equivalent of a Jedi master. I hope he keeps it. The only thing I would add are the large square cloth pouches on his leather belt. I would not go with gray though. I?d use the same pattern, but make them dark maroon or brown like they were in the pre-pro costume. I would have liked to see him paint the eyes on the forehead of the helmet too. This would?ve been a great opportunity to have done that. I may make these changes to the inevitable Hot Toys release.

His new blaster looks great as well, kind of like a newer model of his RotJ blaster.

The repainted armor makes sense as well. His helmet is painted different in RotJ, so he probably repaints his armor after a few jobs, once it is sufficiently banged up. As we have seen, people REALLY want to kill you and sell your Beskar. When it?s painted, you don?t know what the material is that the armor is made of. And the paint is already starting to chip off if you look carefully at it.

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