Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Nice mod agonistes86!
Looking good HTC!

Recently got the ESB BF 40th Anniversary and added the Cody sculpt to the prepro version... worked out great. Nice to finally have ESB Boba to escort the SSC Han in Carbonite.


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Apologies, I couldn't find the thread for the 40th ann. figure thread.

So, I ended up picking up a 40th ann. ESB Boba Fett! I liked how he argued with Vader in the film plus I liked his part in The Mandalorian.
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That’s what I noticed when the reviews started to flush out. It looks much greener than the original release, I own the first deluxe Boba. If I remember correctly there even was a slight difference in weathering between the standard and deluxe of the original run, not sure if this been debunked or not.

Anyway, both releases/runs are excellent. I kind of like the dark green in the newer release.
I recently acquired this figure and I noticed his chest armor is slightly crooked. Has anyone had any luck taking the pieces off and realizing them? P&TY
No, but it's like that for most everyone so I wouldn't worry about it. You can sort of futz with it to get it to align better but I wouldn't risk removing them and making it worse.

Hi everyone, quite disappointed with mine, with these jet pack rocket not glued very well as you can see ?i mean it’s not straight. I think lot of figures have the same issue. I had contact hot toys and for us no problem , move along … do you think it’s correct to say something like that ? I don’t know if it can be repaired …
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Hi everyone, quite disappointed with mine, with these jet pack rocket not glued very well as you can see ?i mean it’s not straight. I think lot of figures have the same issue. I had contact hot toys and for us no problem , move along … do you think it’s correct to say something like that ? I don’t know if it can be repaired …
Hot Toys does not typically deal with replacements directly with customers, unless you buy from their own stores like Secret Base. That type of response is probably the norm.

If you are truly unhappy with it, you would want to contact the retailer you bought it from for either a replacement (if they’re authorized) or a return and refund.

But this is probably the kind of thing that a retailer would probably say is just part of production variances.

It’s not perfect, but no Hot Toys figure is truly ever 100% perfect. As a whole, this is probably one of the smallest issues I’ve seen relative to other figures. It could be much worse.

That’s not to excuse them, and I’m not dismissing your concerns. I’m very particular as well, so I understand. But if I took apart every minute flaw I found on every figure I have, I would drive myself even crazier than I already am.

If you can’t live with it, return it. But if everything else on the figure looks good, then don’t let it bother you because another figure might have an even worse flaw that bothers you even more.
I can understand some of your arguments but it is also always difficult to think you pay a lot of money , and we always must realise that it is a lot of money for such a product, and have this kind of issue. I know it could be worst and I have a lot of hot toys figures and I know they can produce without any defaults or issue. And moreover , ok it can be the result of production variance, agree. But in that case why they don’t propose spare parts remplacement ? I sent a mail and they can’t do nothing. My local retailer will send a mail to them , he will have the answer , no issue bla bla bla , and so what ? The only solution is a total remplacement for just two parts they can easily replace ? I think It would be honest for them to clearly recognise « ok we don’t do the job for a 300 euros let make our customer happy ». I quite upset with this kind of customer service.
I have seen this photo already but on some other we don’t have it. As we can find photo of collectors where the rocket is aligned well and some , like mine, is not I don’t think it is intentional.