Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Seriously, y'all think I should sell my ROTJ Fett and get this one? I can only have one..and really only want one.
I told my wife I wanted to buy a new car and she was like "stop buying so many figures every month." of course I argued and said//"like you buying all those Coach purses..waste...of money..haaa."

Good stuff. We should start a thread that’s just rebuttals to significant others (justifying it to also ourselves)

With all these early releases it actually might be useful....

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I'm pretty sure ZE retired once already himself.

Nope! Significant pause! LOL!!

Actually, I’m damn close to finishing with current interests, but realistically...either something new will come up or an upgrade will become available. So even if the volume and frequency dwindle, it’s unlikely to end permanently short of a total purge and cold turkey.

And why would I do that? Having fun with it right now.

I read about the psychology of collecting recently. Apparently the tipping point is 2 items. For most people 1 item will stay that way, but 2 will trigger collecting, apparently.

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I'm not as up on the subtle differences in costuming the way you guys are.

However I could notice the ways in which the initial prototype helmet was off compared to the filmed version. Since I already just bought the animated version, and I really don't want to waste various resources warehousing multiple figures of the same character, I figured I would leave it up to fate whether I'd order this or not.
If HT changed the head to be more in line with the shorter, more flared film costume, I'd be in. If not I'd pass.

From what I can see from the pics and the vids (which I've no doubt is showing some lens distortion with the close up views), I'm satisfied. Better than the proto and close enough for my needs.

AE now has one less Deluxe version left available.
I don't want to retire but I would like to eventually slow way down to maybe something like 6 figs per year. After HT goes through all the costumes of the main OT characters I wonder what they do? A bunch of 2.0 stuff or some second and third tier characters?
I don't want to retire but I would like to eventually slow way down to maybe something like 6 figs per year. After HT goes through all the costumes of the main OT characters I wonder what they do? A bunch of 2.0 stuff or some second and third tier characters?

Whatever they make, I assume a Billy Dee Williams Lando Calrissian figure will be last.
Alright, finally broke down and ordered one, since this does look pretty badass and it's ESB. Just went for the regular though, as the deluxe is a little too... colorful for my taste.
Honestly I'm sure it'll be much more than just different helmet and color. All the detailing will most likely be much better as well as the HT base body which makes for such better natural poses and stuff. If history repeats, Sideshows weapons will be better, but that's about it.

I really dont want it to be better since I've already paid full price for Sideshows V1 and V2 ESB Fett's, but that's wishful thinking right there lol

The biggest problem is easily solved with a HT body swap. I used a TFA Stormtrooper body.
Someone remind me why this comes with extra parts such as a helmet, another backpack, etc :dunno
Pre-production shots of Boba Fett.
The TOYSTV review mentioned they'd been told the Deluxe parts were a mis-mash.

Looking at photos it seems most of the parts are Pre-Production 1, but the left gauntlet is Pre-Production 2?
Haven’t ever seen some of these photos. Thanks for sharing guys. Very cool. Glad I got the deluxe coming.