Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Pulled the trigger on the DX.

What sold me is all the extra gear. I have a pretty accurate scratch-built ESB Fett that I couldn't finish because I could never figure out what to do about a helmet (HT Fett helmet needed a repaint and it's too long/thin, Medi helmet nice but a bit too small for 1/6 and a bit too short, SSC Fett's is Kermit green and shape off.)

I had the pre-pro Fett poster as a kid and loved that flame-thrower pose, so I'll be displaying this with the pre-pro gear on while using the regular helmet, rifle and backpack for my custom fig. Two Fetts for the price of one. I even have a 1/6 flame effect ready to go for the flame-thrower.:yess:

One issue is that in the videos the pre-pro helmet looks like a really good color match to ESB Boba (that blue-grey-green blend) whereas the regular helmet seems a tad too in the "Sideshow green" direction, but its really lighting dependent so hoping this will not be the case in-hand.

One thing that is a bit disappointing is it looks like they just repainted those lackluster HT ROTJ Fett hands for this release too - very soft sculpt detail, almost Hasbro looking.:(
Pulled the trigger on the DX.

What sold me is all the extra gear. I have a pretty accurate scratch-built ESB Fett that I couldn't finish because I could never figure out what to do about a helmet (HT Fett helmet needed a repaint and it's too long/thin, Medi helmet nice but a bit too small for 1/6 and a bit too short, SSC Fett's is Kermit green and shape off.)

I had the pre-pro Fett poster as a kid and loved that flame-thrower pose, so I'll be displaying this with the pre-pro gear on while using the regular helmet, rifle and backpack for my custom fig. Two Fetts for the price of one. I even have a 1/6 flame effect ready to go for the flame-thrower.:yess:

One issue is that in the videos the pre-pro helmet looks like a really good color match to ESB Boba (that blue-grey-green blend) whereas the regular helmet seems a tad too in the "Sideshow green" direction, but its really lighting dependent so hoping this will not be the case in-hand.

One thing that is a bit disappointing is it looks like they just repainted those lackluster HT ROTJ Fett hands for this release too - very soft sculpt detail, almost Hasbro looking.:(

I also had that Pre-Pro Fett poster as a kid. Absolutely loved it, the pose and that Fett look! It's mostly why I sprung for the Deluxe release. Even though the Pre-Pro helmet included is the Pre-Pro 01 version, and not the Pre-Pro 02 poster helmet, I'm still loving it. Never figured I'd see this version outside of a custom.

Going to use my ROTJ Fett to compete out the Pre-Pro and have both Empire and Pre-Pro on display. Been mostly out of the toy game these days but I'm actually pretty happy for this release. Like a twelve year old, I can't hardly wait!
One issue is that in the videos the pre-pro helmet looks like a really good color match to ESB Boba (that blue-grey-green blend) whereas the regular helmet seems a tad too in the "Sideshow green" direction, but its really lighting dependent so hoping this will not be the case in-hand.
Yeah, I noticed that too. Bummer but I figure it should be fine anyhow. Excited to see so many people getting this early. Means fewer "when is [Sideshow, BBTS, Timewalker] ever gonna get this?" posts down the road. :lol
Yeah, I noticed that too. Bummer but I figure it should be fine anyhow. Excited to see so many people getting this early. Means fewer "when is [Sideshow, BBTS, Timewalker] ever gonna get this?" posts down the road. :lol

Won't be hearing that from me this time :lol, I picked up the deluxe and a regular for versatility.
Darn, I hadn't considered using the Deluxe parts on my old SS Fett. That's a pretty inspired idea. But oh well, I only really have room for one Fett in my collection anyway.

I do agree that both helmets should have been that lighter blue-green color though.
Art, Thanks for the info about combining ebay bucks and the discount. Ordered the deluxe set using my discounts, which in turn made the set more affordable than sideshow or my LCS for $230 plus free shipping to boot.
Art, Thanks for the info about combining ebay bucks and the discount. Ordered the deluxe set using my discounts, which in turn made the set more affordable than sideshow or my LCS for $230 plus free shipping to boot.

No problem. :hi5: yeah I was surprised you could combine them as well. Can't wait to get this guy in. Got the regular on ebay since i have the deluxe on preorder already. When this one comes in it will be my ESB fett then when deluxe arrives it'll be my prepro.
I also had that Pre-Pro Fett poster as a kid. Absolutely loved it, the pose and that Fett look! It's mostly why I sprung for the Deluxe release. Even though the Pre-Pro helmet included is the Pre-Pro 01 version, and not the Pre-Pro 02 poster helmet, I'm still loving it. Never figured I'd see this version outside of a custom.

Going to use my ROTJ Fett to compete out the Pre-Pro and have both Empire and Pre-Pro on display. Been mostly out of the toy game these days but I'm actually pretty happy for this release. Like a twelve year old, I can't hardly wait!

Yeah, this is the actual poster I had. The white version is cool, but this is the look for Fett that I fell in love with as a kid...


I was always fascinated by the long coiled part of his flamethrower. I'll have to figure out a way to attach my plastic flame effect to the end of the thrower. Maybe a needle or pin embedded into the flame might slide into the forearm weapon somehow.

But yeah, you're right - the poster helmet doesn't have the "eyes".

Just realized I can also use the HT forearm weapons and holster/pistol on my custom Fett as well as the helmet, backpack and gun. I bought the Sideshow parts pretty cheap, but it's possible the HT ones are a more accurate color, and with Fett accurate color is everything.
Yeah, this is the actual poster I had. The white version is cool, but this is the look for Fett that I fell in love with as a kid...


I was always fascinated by the long coiled part of his flamethrower. I'll have to figure out a way to attach my plastic flame effect to the end of the thrower. Maybe a needle or pin embedded into the flame might slide into the forearm weapon somehow.

But yeah, you're right - the poster helmet doesn't have the "eyes".

Just realized I can also use the HT forearm weapons and holster/pistol on my custom Fett as well as the helmet, backpack and gun. I bought the Sideshow parts pretty cheap, but it's possible the HT ones are a more accurate color, and with Fett accurate color is everything.

Just saved this image! Awesome. This is the Fett I wanted in ROTJ, toasting a wookie and some rebs on a skiff!
Pulled the trigger on the DX.

What sold me is all the extra gear. I have a pretty accurate scratch-built ESB Fett that I couldn't finish because I could never figure out what to do about a helmet (HT Fett helmet needed a repaint and it's too long/thin, Medi helmet nice but a bit too small for 1/6 and a bit too short, SSC Fett's is Kermit green and shape off.)

I had the pre-pro Fett poster as a kid and loved that flame-thrower pose, so I'll be displaying this with the pre-pro gear on while using the regular helmet, rifle and backpack for my custom fig. Two Fetts for the price of one. I even have a 1/6 flame effect ready to go for the flame-thrower.:yess:

One issue is that in the videos the pre-pro helmet looks like a really good color match to ESB Boba (that blue-grey-green blend) whereas the regular helmet seems a tad too in the "Sideshow green" direction, but its really lighting dependent so hoping this will not be the case in-hand.

One thing that is a bit disappointing is it looks like they just repainted those lackluster HT ROTJ Fett hands for this release too - very soft sculpt detail, almost Hasbro looking.:(

Yep that was the poster my big brother ordered from the Star Wars fan club when I was a kid and stare at it for hours. I just salvaged it recently and been meaning to get it redone at some printer copier place.

I’ve also noticed the colour of pre-pro bucket and thought that was more of the colour of the ESB hero. But just checking out the Dented Helmet forums, it seems that a lot of the customisers over there seem to have that “Panzer Olive Green” by Testors Polyscale / Model color range colour on their helmets looking like that.


Here’s the real hero helmet. The colour on this one looks similar to Humbrol paints no. 78 Cockpit Green with a dirty wash over it; customisers have also used this colour on their buckets.


Now I’m not sure if this was the hero bucket or a replica by Tom Spina or Alex Alva (pictured)

Sent from the Slave1
Yeah, this is the actual poster I had. The white version is cool, but this is the look for Fett that I fell in love with as a kid...


I was always fascinated by the long coiled part of his flamethrower. I'll have to figure out a way to attach my plastic flame effect to the end of the thrower. Maybe a needle or pin embedded into the flame might slide into the forearm weapon somehow.

But yeah, you're right - the poster helmet doesn't have the "eyes".

Just realized I can also use the HT forearm weapons and holster/pistol on my custom Fett as well as the helmet, backpack and gun. I bought the Sideshow parts pretty cheap, but it's possible the HT ones are a more accurate color, and with Fett accurate color is everything.

Yeah, that poster is a thing of beauty! Still love it as much as I did back in the day. I actually managed to buy a totally mint one a couple of years ago. Just haven't gotten around to framing it yet. Maybe later this year with the Deluxe as inspiration.

If you get the flames to work out you should post up a photo.
Art, Thanks for the info about combining ebay bucks and the discount. Ordered the deluxe set using my discounts, which in turn made the set more affordable than sideshow or my LCS for $230 plus free shipping to boot.

How does one check to see if they have eBay bucks?
The deluxe is almost like a Sideshow old Kenner Exclusive like the Hoth Han blue coat or the Snowtrooper with old Kenner Rigel.
Art, Thanks for the info about combining ebay bucks and the discount. Ordered the deluxe set using my discounts, which in turn made the set more affordable than sideshow or my LCS for $230 plus free shipping to boot.

Yeah, one of the things that sold me on this too is I had an old giftcard (which I almost forgot about) for my LCS that bought the total price down to $230 for the DX version with no shipping.:yess:

Getting two ESB Fetts for $280 (I've spent maybe $50 or so on my custom fig's parts so far) will be a nice score for these days of sky-high prices.
Why not just use real flames? Hook the gauntlet up to a line with an endless supply of Lysol and light it up. :dunno


Seeing Fett's flamethrower in action in ROTJ would have been really cool. I always imagined it would have sent a jet of flame like 30ft or something. It was cool how they showed his cable firing but to see him as this deadly gizmo blizzard Bond guy would have really made him more badass. Seeing Luke dealing with a barrage of darts, nets and flames as well as some Mando fighting skills would have made for a great battle.