Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Great shots TonTon 👍🏽 Had a chance to mess around with Fett after work yesterday. Gauntlets need to be more streamlined and the black hand pegs are a ***** to hide. Belts definitely need futzing out of the package and also for some reason his holster was attached to the red fabric band, not sure if it was just mine. Carefully removed it and placed it on his belt. Great figure.
Here you go:D


Amazing how much difference a correctly-shaped helmet makes.

Thats really a personal preference!!!

Neither helmets are accurate...SS wouldn't be hard to beat as it's all kinds of wrong...HT added some flare but the visor and front shape of the helmet are still off..

The new Mythos Fett from SS looks great in the promo pics and the helmet (while still not perfect) has a more accurate shaped visor than any of the HT offerings.
I do remember seeing pics on here side-by-side and them looking like 95% alike..but now that I just looked at sime pics of the V2, I really do see the curve in the chest armor. I ended up modding mine and fixing the legs to look more natural; so maybe I'm just comparing how mine looks to the V2 instead of the stock one. I'm thinking about using the smaller SS gauntlets for the HT one. The over-sized look of the darts and the huge wrist openings makes the HT ones look more toy-ish. It's crazy that with the upcoming Mythos'll make a total of 7 completely different Fett looks (counting Jango). Really makes me want to get the prototype armor one now. And Hasbro seriously needs to make a Boba Fett helmet; like what they did with the recent Vader one. I'd definitely upgrade my old Don Post version with that one.

Yeah, my plan is to mix and match the ESB gauntlets and helmets on the SS and HT and just see which combination works the best. The base deluxe figure will be displayed with the pre-pro armor for sure. The only thing I might have to do extra is buy a parted out HT ESB vest & armor if it looks miles better than the SS V2.

Dude definitely get the SSC white proto fett, that thing has really great shelf presence!
Yeah I had no problems with it really. And when you add in all you get with the figure. The base is amazing.

I just saw a chance to sell my Ver 1 and took it. I like the Ver 2 better tho. The better chest armour and colouring. But I woulda been happy with the 1.


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Honestly the biggest difference for me is the coloring and fit of the jumpsuit, just so much better on the V2. The paint and curve on the armor is a pretty big one as well of course.
I must be missing what's better about the Sideshow. Here's what I see: a much more "toyish" looking figure -- short neck, high crotch, bright knee pads, overall monkey-armed body proportions, pale paint and worse helmet shape.

There's really not much better on the SSC version in my eyes. Maybe the viewfinder length, and gauntlets/gloves sculpts? But that's not enough to make this a better figure obviously.

edit: looking again, I think I like the SSC rifle a bit better, but that's not based on screen accuracy, just my opinion lol
I must be missing what's better about the Sideshow. Here's what I see: a much more "toyish" looking figure -- short neck, high crotch, bright knee pads, overall monkey-armed body proportions, pale paint and worse helmet shape.

I'd hope the HT is the better figure.

I just am in the camp that has the SS and really I'm happy with what I have. I hate the need to upgrade because I don't want to be stuck with multiples of the same ESB Boba.
Honestly, a good pose can make all the difference and you have a decent Boba in your collection, HT or SS.

That being said. If I didn't have an ESB Boba Fett, I'd go for the HT Deluxe for sure.

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I must be missing what's better about the Sideshow. Here's what I see: a much more "toyish" looking figure -- short neck, high crotch, bright knee pads, overall monkey-armed body proportions, pale paint and worse helmet shape.

Don't forget poorly contoured chest armor, boxy pants pockets, and boots straight from the scum shoe store.
Great Photos Jay! Nicely done.

Until I can do close up comparisons on my own of the individual parts, what I can say is from overall impression side by side, HT hands down has the overall impression improved over the V2 by far. Especially in armor and helmet areas. An easy improvement by just looking at the new HT would be to weather the lower part of the legs, dirty them up, maybe a little along the pouches, that would really take it to the next level and pretty easy to do.

Other improvements would be to swap the wrist pegs out for the sideshow grey ones. Also pull the girth belt further down on top of the cod piece (the red belt down over the crotch armor) so that the leather ammo belt sits higher and the girth belt hangs lower.

Great looking figure! Definitely worth the upgrade if you're a Fett head.
To me, the more important comparison is to the actual Boba Fett. And on that front, neither company has put together a Fett that is as screen accurate as it could/should have been. Using Jaycepticon's photo, and a pic of movie Fett:


Whether it's chest armor size, jumpsuit fit, cape length, body proportions, gauntlet size/proportions, range finder height, shoulder armor placement, gloves, pouches being wrong, and on and on . . . improvements made are nice, but is it producing a Fett figure that looks like the movie version?
Great pics! I'll give the Sideshow some slack because it was made a good while ago but the Hot Toys really blows it out of the water.
If you have the deluxe mind dressing up the sideshow with the proto parts and putting it besides esb hot toys? I'd greatly appreciate it as I'm continplating keeping my sideshow

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