I feel weirdly conflicted about this,
Its a complete surprise to be sure - and a pleasant one at that.
On one hand - its an objectively cool looking figure, has real presence and a lot of details and features for a darn decent price.
On the other hand - this Freeze is from the worst Bat-film ever, the portrayal lacks the character's post-BTAS gravitas, and the sheer amount of silver-chrome in the character design is a little much for me.
I was really hoping HT or another company would take on one of his Arkhamverse designs.
On the other other hand - this is just a whole lot of fun a far as figures go!
On the other other
other hand - I dont have any of the figures from the "goofier" Bat-films despite being tempted by the Soosootoys Bathrobe Freeze, Mars Toys Carrey Riddler and others.
On the other other
other other hand - Its a decent 1/6 Mr Freeze, who is a Bat-villain who doesnt get a lot of love in 1/6, in fact despite being one of my fave villains he is a character I still dont have a figure of.