Hot Toys - MMS 799 & MMS 800 - Batman & Robin: Mr. Freeze 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I absolutely loved B&R as a kid. Everything about it was awesome to a dumb little kid and of course I got all the toys then as well!

I guess I haven’t matured much because I can still watch that and Forever and have a great time doing so.

Is it somewhat ironic at this point? Yeah, sure, but nothing about it offends, angers, or even baffles me.
It is what it is and, if nothing else, it has intentionality on its side so I enjoy it within the parameters of the kind of movie it set out to be.

I’m self aware enough to know I most likely wouldn’t care for it were it released today and surely wouldn’t be buying all the figures- but we all know nostalgia and our childhood initiation into the toy collecting hobby (in many cases) is a huge part of why we blow all our big boy money on plastic crack.
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I'll be cremated, so maybe all the dolls can be my kindling.
It’s funny for a long time I was convinced I didn’t like Batman & Robin. Don’t get me wrong it’s still not great and far from my favorite Batman movie, but I watched it a couple of months ago and it actually isn’t as bad as I remembered. The caveat being that you have to view it purely as camp. From that perspective I think it has some entertainment value even though it’s super corny.
I agree. I also watched it again fairly recently and found it reasonably entertaining. Overall it can't be taken seriously but there are some decent scenes between Bruce Wayne and Alfred. The thing that gets me most is that Clooney makes no effort to create a different persona for Batman. His Wayne just puts on a Batman costume and acts the same.
If you dont take so serious B&R, it is an enjoyable movie, Villains are quite funny, and visually so good, that's why I POd him.
Mr Freeze was the only one I would be tempted to get, but since I was almost never going to get B&R on their own. I will pass on Freeze as it's not super high on my desired figures. Otherwise it's a slippery slope of buying companions you would have never gotten had the main attraction (Freeze) not come about.
Watched B&R lastnight for the millionth time now, it’s so damn silly and corny but the nostalgia hits super hard! POing Freeze for sure, but think I’ll wait for Clooney to release, he won’t sell out anytime soon.
I like that clooney comes with a little bat credit card accessory. I'm tempted to get him, but then i would have to have robin too since i actually like the B&R design for robin. Robin by himself though i def don't want so they would be a package deal. I would def need a lot more space for 3 figures from this line.