Great idea replace one crappy head with another brilliant! 

For anyone who received their Golden Age Cap and also have TFA Cap in their collections, could you post some photos of the TFA head on the GA suit? I'm curious to see how the old head looks on it.
July is taking way too long to get here
It's so weird, because looking at my head sculpt in front of me right now, it doesn't look at all like JCVD or like it does in that picture. It reminds me of the Rescue Cap that looks weird in photos but in hand, it actually looks pretty good. Both sculpts do look like Chris Evans a bit, the TFA one looks like his smirking face when he tells Red Skull, "Nothing, I'm just a kid from Brooklyn" at the end of the film.
out of scale, GA Cap is bigger than TFA
Just got my processing too.
To keep or cancel..................decisions decisions.
Keeping without a doubt......but excited. Also raising the question where is Thor?
Got it too, July 18 is the date! I will keep my preorder.
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