Barry did you do he shoulder mod to your GA Cap or is that stock?
Totally stock except for the different head and neck.
Barry did you do he shoulder mod to your GA Cap or is that stock?
...and here's a quick "daylight" shot of this super soldier....
I'm so glad I picked this up. I'm really impressed. Still like my "First Avenger" version, and this one is just a great update of that look. The quilting and textures...the great detail on he belt...and the shield!. having it made out of metal just takes it way beyond the earlier one!
Can't say enough positive things here...I've appreciated the videos and pics folks have posted of this one....don't quite agree with a lot of the negatives that have bandied about...I don't think he's too bulky looking and I like the portrait...a lot.
Like I said above....can't wait to see how this one displays with the Winter Soldier figure....hope folks post some more pics....always ready for more display ideas....
Looks good. I have some of the Stealth suit helmeted heads on the way, and i am going to try that out on my GA Cap when they arrive. If it looks better, i plan on covering his exposed ears.
Would that be an easy mod?
I just recently did the head swap with the TFA sculpt, and it makes a world of difference. Pretty sure this is going to be my go-to Cap figure for the foreseeable future. Will probably cancel the Stealth version after the wonky body choice by HT.
I see on your TFA Cap's belt the little straps have popped off the pouches also. Doesn't anyone know a fix for this?