Took out my Sandtrooper in order to have some more Tatooine folk to display the Jawa with. Warming up to it a bit, still tempted to dye the robes darker but the very light paint has me a bit concerned about that.
Also, went with Chronos's tip for the eyes.
They're from older Sideshow figures -- the Tusken Raider and Sandtroopers used them, and some GI Joe figures too.
Just have all three for consistency, so they're all on the same level plane, so to speak. I'm using the post (without crotch grabber) to keep the Jawa a bit more stable.
They're nice stands in that they don't take up a ton of space.
This Jawa is confusing. Sometimes it looks lacklustre, but as in your photo TonTon, I think it looks great and doesn't need anything. It's probably a good thing I don't own one, it'd drive me insane.