Hot Toys: - MMS156 - Captain America The First Avenger Official Specs and Pics

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Its a joke between myself and Spliff...havent seen him in a while so I brought it up again lol...

Speaking of which, if you go to SDCC next year spliff, I'll bring you a Captain America and a Wolverine :D

I think the likeness is a lot better than people think. The comparison pic posted a few pages back really shows it. I'm sure once more screen caps are taken when the film is on bluray we will see that the product is much better than some pics are showing...

You in Ohio, too? I know of a fellow Freak here which would love to go to SDCC next year- perhaps roadtrip???:clap
I like Cap and can't wait for him to come.

I am also curious if any of those who are complaining about not liking that that they think it doesn't look lioke Evans are the same people complaining about getting MOVIE versions as opposed to COMIC versions!!!!!


Re: Is this the captain America thread?

So...getting back to Captain America, I thought it'd be interesting to compare the prototype head to the final, courtesy of OMG. I'm not sure that I see any more resemblance to Evans in the prototype than I do the final. That is to say, i dont know that it looked much like him to begin with so I can't say for sure if it got any worse in production. Anyone else?



looks great only difference i can see the prototype headgear looks textured to give it a leather effect and the final version looks plain......minor complaint
Isn't the headpiece supposed to be a helmet and not a mask? Which would mean the outer shell would not be leather. But I do see the difference. Good eyes on that one.
It is nice to be getting so many figures back-to-back. Just this past week I got Art Saves Avenger and Mark V. Batman Begins (I can care less about the problems) is coming this week and Superman and the Captain are on their way!!!!!!
Maybe it's just me but I hate the way hot toys paints the eyelashes on their figures. It just seems very rushed to me instead of intricate like the rest of the least when you look up close
I think the eye lashes look okay.
And man Captain America looks fantastic! The Hot Toys Avengers is finally coming together in a great way now that this guy is released. be honest I'm kinda glad they aren't sculpted or whatever it is they use for hair like Black Widow. Painted works for me, it does it's job without sticking a sore eye. :lol: