From what I know Spider-man is an exception to what seems to be the continuing nrom now. Maybe Superman too mind you, but HT's track record has not been good lately.
1) Alice: people say that the head was changed to look worse than the prototype pictures, i believe there are other issues.
2) Batman/Bruce Wayne SDCC exl: Undersized head, most have shiny foreheads from the tape. All have dents in the right side of the rubber suit. Cape is junk and won't stay on. Rubber is made out of a cheaper, thinner material than the original, almost sure to rot, a lot have broken ankles in the package.
3) Indiana Jones: Awful looking head sculpt, many seem to have different looking head sculpts i.e. not consistent. some are bloated others undersized. Most of the problems here lies to the fact that people never liked the prototype and the final version looks even worse.
4) captain America: Baby blue, too tight fitting suit, worse looking head than the prototype. gaps in neck, bad movement etc.
This is looking bad folks, it seems like HT may have reached their peak and they are dangerously treading the route of falling from grace.