Hot Toys: - MMS156 - Captain America The First Avenger Official Specs and Pics

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Just pre-ordered from Fanboy!

This is one awesome figure! I can't wait till Xmas (Captain, Spider-Man and Mark V)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pre-ordered this today. I'll likely cancel either this one or the Jack Sparrow before they ship, though. This one is $60 cheaper ...

trailer has an old school adventure/action feel for sure.....................a definite must see.............:rock
Wow, so they're charging $40 for a base that doesn't light up? Sad. Just, sad.

The ridiculous price of Superman is why I decided not to go for him. Considering what it comes with, it really isn't worth more than 150. He should be the same price as Spiderman. Even with the donation however, there is no way the price suddenly jumps 60 dollars. That's ridiculous.
Regarding the purchase of multiples, I also do this from time to time. Sometimes I end up selling the extra, and sometimes I just keep it. But the reason I originally buy more than one is completely irrational. I just like having "spares" because I'm slightly nuts. Down the road, sometimes I feel more comfortable only having one. But sometimes I don't, and if I don't buy one originally, I'll feel compelled to get another one. I've got many excessive, duplicate Minimates for this purpose. Possibly over $1,000 worth of duplicates that I have for no rational reason.

Then there's my Flint collection, of which this is a small sample:


I figure other collectors share similar issues. Others simply buy multiples in the hope of "flipping" down the road, of course.
Regarding the purchase of multiples, I also do this from time to time. Sometimes I end up selling the extra, and sometimes I just keep it. But the reason I originally buy more than one is completely irrational. I just like having "spares" because I'm slightly nuts. Down the road, sometimes I feel more comfortable only having one. But sometimes I don't, and if I don't buy one originally, I'll feel compelled to get another one. I've got many excessive, duplicate Minimates for this purpose. Possibly over $1,000 worth of duplicates that I have for no rational reason.

I figure other collectors share similar issues. Others simply buy multiples in the hope of "flipping" down the road, of course.

I never buy multiples because I just can't afford it. I could have two Mk IVs or I could have a Mk IV plus a War Machine. No brainer. But I have had to cancel some preorders to make way for this figure, and one I canceled was a second Dragon Astronaut. I initially went with the second one because the white suit will yellow over time and I'd like to have one bright white and minty fresh in the closet. Depending on what my tax check looks like in another month I may still pick up a second one.

I'm kind of psycho-analysing my response to Cap. Here is a character for whom I have no affection or nostalgia whatsoever, played in a film by an actor I couldn't identify in a two-man police line-up - and my want for it just keeps ramping up every time I look at the pics. The only reason I can think of to explain my interest in him is that he just looks so freakin' cool :dunno
I like having the second set as a possible kitbash source (keeping the original one for me to display as intended). It tends to be a better value than trying to get stuff parted out--especially Hot Toys where heads and/or bodies alone can go for over half the retail price. But even if I don't decide to do that, I must admit it is irrationally comforting to know I have both a factory fresh box set available as well as a set I can open up and have fun with at the same time.

I don't do this for every single boxed figure--it's too expensive. But for ones I'm really impressed with, I try to do it, if I can swing it.
Yeah, I think there is some level of OCD in most collectors, that manifests itself in different ways. Buying multiples you'll never do anything with is one such manifestation. Some have to display their collection in a particular way (no more than 2 figures per Detolf shelf, no figures of different scales posed together, only figures from the same line can be posed together, no unofficial figures allowed, no official figures allowed, etc.) Some don't even ever take their figures out of the box!
I absolutely love this figure. The Electroplated shield bugs me a bit, electroplating something is practically ____ing chroming it and the shield in the trailers and posters seems fairly matte and flat in terms of finish but it's definitely worth overlooking. :D