Hot Toys: - MMS156 - Captain America The First Avenger Official Specs and Pics

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You are correct but it's because he's raising his arm which is stretching the outfit/star off center.

I guess your right I was looking at the zipper and thought that was the center but it looks like the zipper is more to the left:slap ............FOR FREEDOM!! STARS AND STRIPES!!!:hi5:
Think it's awesome my 3 year old wants a Captain America figure. Birthday will be next month. And that would be my 3 year old daughter. It will go great with her Mark VI toy she has, which she says is better than my HT Mark IV because hers talks :lol
I passed on this looks amazing but I'm almost positive cap will be released when avengers comes out posted the suit cap will were in avengers movie and it looks amazing. I'm also certain we will prob get a new thor ironman and hawkeye prob even hulk.
I agree, Shai!




We're seeing a lot of cool stuff so far this year, and this one's right near the top for me...just fantastic!