Super Freak
Yep just posted this in the Avengers thread

I don't know what the nitpicking is all about.Im happy someone is happy!!
i know. im with u. i think he looks fantastic!! definitely getting him. is he worth $189.99? well to me i look at it this way. its $175+15 shipping. $175 for a figure is a pretty decent price these days, brand new, never been opened, in a brown shipper. He may be cheaper on eBay when he's released, but who knows?
i wont be crying if i spend $189 because i want Fury. Im collecting the Avengers so he is a must have. People who arent really into collecting the whole team probably wont be as interested in him. And thats fine, in some ways could make him more valuable over time if less people buy him and they stop production.
But to complain about this sculpt and to not think he looks like SLJ at all, i just have to disagree.
Im also not one to nick pick these to death either. I want the figures because i love the characters. Black Widow doesnt look 100% like Scarlett, but i love her figure, shes their official release, and to me it all about collecting your favorite characters. They do a really great job and every year these get better. So if they do a Scarlett2, im betting she will look even more like her.
I try not to complain. But I do like to criticize constructively.
Everyone was saying how fantastic the Octopus portrait was and this looked just as good and perhaps slightly more realistic with more skin texture. I just don't see people saying that they don't see the likeness.