Viking Spawn
Super Freak
A week ago, I only have mark 7, hulk and loki on P.O., i figured, i already have the original versions of Thor and Cap, and i only need the fab 4 from the avengers and loki, cos i'm gay for the loki.
And then i went ahead and impulse buy Nick Fury and, oh boy, i was reminded why i collect these silly dolls (the glee of unboxing, the new toy aroma and the hours of quiet stillness from staring at a plastic artwork) .
Now, i have everyone on P.O. and got on the waitlist for HE and BW. As soon as they announce Coulson and the Chitauri, I'll get those as well. 100%.
So yeah, Hot Toys Nick Fury is tremendous.

No, not dolls.... Action figures. "Act-ion Fig-ures." Girls collect dolls, boys collect "action figures." My mommy used to call my figures dollies while growing up which just isn't masculine.