What do you guys think of the unmasked sculpt on the new Winter Soldier figure compared to this one?
Ordered the set. After seeing the movie tonight (more on that in the movie thread later....suffice to say,EXCELLENT)....and while these figures look great, my only nit with the Steve Rogers figures is....shouldn't he have on khakis instead of jeans? I don't even remember him wearing jeans in the movie....and I'd really like to see him in khakis,,,,want to display him locked in hand-to-hand with Winter Solider (that broad daylight fight on the street was fantastic). Wish they would include some environment stands....broken up street or whatnot...
While I appreciate good photography, I wish Hot Toys wouldn't "sweeten" the shots up with photoshopping on the figure itself....hiding that neck joint is not cool...the sculpts are great, we know these are figures...let us see how they really are....
Okay, mini -rant over....really looking forward to this set.
Looks great. But you need to spray that shield. I can already see the miniscule cracks around the edges!
Spray? I thought it was a clear paint coating? Maybe I have been looking for the wrong thing...
Someone was saying the clearcoat just delays the flaking. Any truth to this yet for those who have coated their shield?
It's easy for someone to really screw something up when you tell them to "just spray". You can get runs and junk in the finish by not doing it properly. I've seen pictures posted here that look like *** because the shield wasn't prepped correctly.
Hi man! Can you post pictures to see how your battled damaged shield turned out after the coat with tamiya Ts-79? I'm planning on use your technique to coat mine! Thanks!
I guess I'm the only one who loves the red boots and gloves...