Hot Toys MMS243 - 1/6th scale Captain America & Steve Rogers

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

At this point, Hot toys won't add the regular shield.I would buy it but i can live with stealth shield only.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

Coming from someone who has all the Cap figures, I'm starting to have a surplus of Cap shields, so I'm fine with getting just the "stealth shield" with this one. Just for variety's sake but that pic does look pretty good.


Well, he's wearing the Shield suit there.

Anyways, I think they just based the Steve Rogers clothing colors off of the concept art.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

Yeah really, the regular shield is featured prominently in every movie poster and promotional images with the stealth suit, and they can't include it in a two pack??? Come on Hot Toys...
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

If people want yet another red, white and blue shield, they can order it off the secondary market. There's plenty to choose from with TFA, Avengers, and Golden Age.

This set looks stellar, both head sculpts are top notch. I sort of wish the Golden Age Cap came with this headsculpt likeness instead of that weird, buzzed look he has going on with the Golden Age version.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

Well if you have The Avengers cap, you have 2 shields anyway, so boom!

Job done!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

Already have golden age Cap on pre order but I really like the stealth suit so looks like I'm getting both! Plus I'll be picking up Falcon! Well done Hot Toys. :clap
Re: Hot Toys MMS243 -1/6th scale Captain America & Steve Rogers

Wow! Can't say I was expecting this. That STRIKE suit Cap looks amazing!!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

This is the Captain America package that i have been waiting for. I will gladly P'O.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

I just hope they are a lot of these sets to pre order so everyone can get a chance to get one.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

Is there a neck joint on the regular clothes version?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

I'm guessing this may go up today on Sideshow. Definitely ordering.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

Holy hell, a combo set!? Bought!!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

This set looks pretty cool. Depending on my enjoyment of the movie tonight I'll be pre-ordering the set. Something tells me I will.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS 242\243 - CA:TWS - Captain America & Steve Rogers [Spec + Pics]

Is there a neck joint on the regular clothes version?

There's no neck joint. The figure has an integrated neck like the MKVII Tony Stark or DX12 BRuce Wayne

yeah, they photoshopped it out on the pics

It's quite noticeable on this pic

Look closer.
That pic has an Avengers Cap head on it...
Check out the mouth.