Hi Guys I am at home sick today so I thought I would go ahead and give you some feedback on the 2 pack Cap stealth figure, after much anticipation and waiting did it deliver? all I can say is YES and NO, the no part being some small tidbits that were annoying. attached are some images that i took after a few modifications that i made.
Sculpt and likeness is SPOT ON in Hand no worries this is Chris Evans you can argue and disagree until its in your sweating palms then you will think different. my gripes are manly only 2 some of which clipper covered in his review and there is really not a whole lot we can do as it is Hot Toys and Hot Toys will still be Hot Toys regardless.
I went ahead and did the King Clipper Mod on the fat suit underneath, why they put it in is Pointless really it is absolutely pointless all it does is hinder movement for us collectors. This is a side note: ( There really and I mean Really needs to be a mass outcry from collectors to Hot Toys in the area of showing us photo pics of figures that can get these amazing dynamic poses and then later when we get them in hand we are like who the! what the! How the! because this cap does not get the shield grab off the back pose or the shield in front of waist with both hands holding it. It is simply just an issue that they pump and promote there products with these beautiful range of motion and you simply don't get that out of box at all. )
Ok so I took the suit off without any major issues, for the most part hi you tube link simplifies it, pretty straight forward. What this removal of padding does is helps the waist to be more free forming bendable ab crunch rotation and range of motion in hips and waist that is probably the best designed of all the caps put out without the concern of the fabric popping out of the back of the waist when posing in extreme positions. I do need to tell you that the knee guards on this figure are not very well put on and may require further gluing in the event the little caps that hold it inside the pants knee area pop off, mine did so i easily added a few dabs of super glue to fix it, as it is a pretty straight forward thing of the glue hot toys used not being strong enough. That is a fix that was easily I used gorilla glue on three small pin areas within each pant leg that the knee guard attaches to! the elbows still have limited range of motion but removing the fat suit helped tremendously in the upper arms. Below are some of my images without fast suit and also including Golden Age Shield!......ENJOY!
P.S. This is Simply the best cap you can get Great Great look feel and representation don't listen to the haters, haters gonna hate and ainter's gonna aint! I got the single issue version on its way to me woot woot!
Is this shipping the the US already? I've been preoccupied with Thanskgiving and stuff. Last I saw they had moved it back to Jan, now it says Dec and Spek in Tampa is posting pics.
I ordered mine in the first 15 minutes of it going up and it still says "processing". What gives?
Noooooooooooooo.....Not that long. You really don't think it will ship before XMAS?Sweet pics!
Everyone who's getting their figures now either live in HK or bought through HK. Expect Sideshow to get its first shipment in four or five weeks.
Hard to tell look how long it took with winter soldier....that was simply ridiculous!Noooooooooooooo.....Not that long. You really don't think it will ship before XMAS?
Noooooooooooooo.....Not that long. You really don't think it will ship before XMAS?
Noooooooooooooo.....Not that long. You really don't think it will ship before XMAS?
Hi Guys I am at home sick today so I thought I would go ahead and give you some feedback on the 2 pack Cap stealth figure, after much anticipation and waiting did it deliver? all I can say is YES and NO, the no part being some small tidbits that were annoying. attached are some images that i took after a few modifications that i made.
Sculpt and likeness is SPOT ON in Hand no worries this is Chris Evans you can argue and disagree until its in your sweating palms then you will think different. my gripes are manly only 2 some of which clipper covered in his review and there is really not a whole lot we can do as it is Hot Toys and Hot Toys will still be Hot Toys regardless.
I went ahead and did the King Clipper Mod on the fat suit underneath, why they put it in is Pointless really it is absolutely pointless all it does is hinder movement for us collectors. This is a side note: ( There really and I mean Really needs to be a mass outcry from collectors to Hot Toys in the area of showing us photo pics of figures that can get these amazing dynamic poses and then later when we get them in hand we are like who the! what the! How the! because this cap does not get the shield grab off the back pose or the shield in front of waist with both hands holding it. It is simply just an issue that they pump and promote there products with these beautiful range of motion and you simply don't get that out of box at all. )
Ok so I took the suit off without any major issues, for the most part hi you tube link simplifies it, pretty straight forward. What this removal of padding does is helps the waist to be more free forming bendable ab crunch rotation and range of motion in hips and waist that is probably the best designed of all the caps put out without the concern of the fabric popping out of the back of the waist when posing in extreme positions. I do need to tell you that the knee guards on this figure are not very well put on and may require further gluing in the event the little caps that hold it inside the pants knee area pop off, mine did so i easily added a few dabs of super glue to fix it, as it is a pretty straight forward thing of the glue hot toys used not being strong enough. That is a fix that was easily I used gorilla glue on three small pin areas within each pant leg that the knee guard attaches to! the elbows still have limited range of motion but removing the fat suit helped tremendously in the upper arms. Below are some of my images without fast suit and also including Golden Age Shield!......ENJOY!
P.S. This is Simply the best cap you can get Great Great look feel and representation don't listen to the haters, haters gonna hate and ainter's gonna aint! I got the single issue version on its way to me woot woot!
Greatthabks for the info, I'll definitely get rid of the padding once I get this figure