No no not the fat suit, the actual stealth suit. It doesn't contour to the body like the actual suit
If you are talking about the Vest you are totally right and that is something I just discovered today, but have always had my suspicions that it may play a part. So today I put the vest onto the body with the fat suit modded to contour the body with the rubber band so the shape was not distorted, but it made no difference. I think this is because the material the vest is made out of is too rigid so unless force is applied to it like pulling on it like I did, it just remains the same shape which is straight like a ruler.
Thus, the only way to get a natural looking torso is to remove the fat suit from the lower torso, which sucks because then the suit is now too loose around the waist.
How are you guys getting the Stealth Suit completely off the figure? I thought there was no way to remove it without damaging the costume?
No it is easy to remove, but is a nightmare to put back on!
So you cut out the space from under the pecs to the waist, is that it?
Hmm when I did it I took an educated guess, I felt around where the upper torso was and then made sure when I started to cut the suit that I would keep cutting until the fat suit was just over the lower torso. So it is trial and error, thus, if I were you I would cut the area above the dotted line you see on his underwear (in the pic below) then lift up that area on the front to see where the lower torso ends and the upper torso begins. That's how I did it.
I know the dotted line is not noticeable by looking at this pic but once you have it in hand you will know where to cut.
Actually, I just thought of a different way. I didn't do this but this might be easier for you, since you won't have to guess where to cut.
Cut the fat suit where the groin is (look in the pic below).
This will then split the bottom of the fat suit into two (pic below) then all you will have to do is lift the flap up (where the arrow is pointing) until you reach the upper torso. That way you won't have to guess where the upper torso begins and the lower torso ends.
I was under the impression the suit had snaps and zippers, which is the only reason I'd do the mod. I didn't want to cut or sew anything.
Yes it does but if you want a tight fit around the waist you will have to sew the back of the suit where the waist area is. Or you could just pull it back and use a clothes line peg like I did and that will hold it. Only problem then is that the back of the suit looks ugly.
On ClipperKing;s mod vid, he says the shirt part does not fully come off. He said he tried and there was no way to get it off, so you had to cut the fat suit off. If it can come off. do you guys think that the Man of Steel body would work? He is pretty big.
He was wrong, the vest is not sewed to the shirt, I just think he was being overly cautious.