What's the deal with with trying to get a spare Rogers head? Few weeks ago I checked MonkeyDepot and they only had the helmeted one. Then it eventually went it of stock. Today I saw both sculpts show up. When I went to order it said it out of stock. Was it really in stock? How does one get one? The charge crazy on EBay. I can understand if it's old release but Jeez this guy was just released. And I hate guys that buy up all the stock and try to resell. All I want is one head not 10. Sorry just needed to vent.
If there is a part(Or parts) from a recently released figure that you *really* want, you need to camp out every night on Toy Anxiety, Monkey Depot and Black Ops Toys.
You need all sites open in your browser with an appropriate search string of the part you want in the search window, and you need to be logged in to your account. You need to refresh the page every five minutes until new product goes live and when it does(And if your chosen item is in stock), you need to add it to your cart and checkout as fast as humanly possible. There will be fifty people doing the same thing(Maybe more), and the first to checkout gets the parts, regardless of who has it in their cart.
As they tend to add new product at 01:30 GMT time, you can appreciate the lengths i have been going to(And have to go through *every* time they part figures i want) in order to secure the sculpts i have bought.
You don't get dibs by adding it to your cart unfortunately.
When the Steve heads went live at Toy Anxiety for the first time, i had only just refreshed the page three minutes before, so i knew they had *just* gone live. There were no limits on heads, and i got six into my basket but only five were there when i checked out. And i checked out in less than 20 seconds.
They go *that* fast.
Also last week, when they went up at Monkey Depot, i added three heads, checked out, then added five shields, checked out *again*, then went for a spare suit, gloves, boots and finally five bases, in a third checkout.
I paid shipping each time(Which i don't mind, even though they all shipped in one box), just to get the parts i needed before they sold out.
It's all about how fast you can check out.
The bootleg sold by Kit is the exact same product, just with a *slightly* different paint scheme. They cost half of what even TA and MD charge, and still look good.
I bought ten of the bootlegs and still think think they look fine.
In the following images, more than one are bootlegs, and more than one are official.
Can anyone tell what are bootlegs?