Super Freak
So there's no way this is ready to go next month right? My last payment is August 10. Wouldn't mind getting word about it being pushed back.
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Looks really cool except his bicep, and the way it attaches to his forearm looks kinda odd in this pic.
This Hawkeye is the best overall looking one, IMO. I love my A1 version. Not a fan of the AoU look but it's well done. This figure is miles ahead of both.
Could you explain further? Im looking for a Hawkeye figure but wanted to just purchase a definitive one and be done with it.
Not sure how to explain it. The suit fits the body better. It has the best paint on the face. (Based off the production sample not Jc master) as well as the best head sculpt. The articulation appears to be better then A1 and its for sure better then the AoU version. It also has not only the bow but his bow staff thingy. So you don't have to just display him with the bow. But when you do you can use the Ant-Man on the arrow and make a very neat display option. Especially for showing it off to people. i hope that helps. Let me know if you have any specific questions. I tried to just say what I liked most about this version instead of bashing the others, as they are all neat figures. But if you want to know more about the others let me know. Good or bad
Still waiting for the email saying my imminent last payment is pushed back ... It must be coming soon-ish.
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I was really expecting to have it by now. I wonder if it's going to be a few months, and that's why it's taking so long?
His points are valid. I believe you get more for your money with the AoU version though (coat outfit etc). I can always buy the staff and the bow on eBay considering people always part them out.You make some really great points here Moux; I said for now I had my Hawkeye (the AOU one), that I didn't like his suit based on the concept art and that I was only collecting Avengers I didn't already have (like Widow, Falcon, SW) but now I am tempted to sell on both my AOU Hawkeye and Cap for their Civil War versions... Considering I have not yet displayed either just cracked open the boxes to give them a quick check over is a little nuts!
His points are valid. I believe you get more for your money with the AoU version though (coat outfit etc). I can always buy the staff and the bow on eBay considering people always part them out.
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Got a pic of Clint with the staff here.