Got mine from timewalker and it looks great in person as expected. Very nice looking figure.
Does SSC have this in stock now or it still batch phase??? I need to buy a figure for xmas, this one is an option but only if it ships out soon.
I am stealing the last pose.... It's so awesomeGot mine 2 days ago. Haven’t bought a figure in awhile so I was really looking forward this.
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View attachment 436515
It's not really the sharpness, its the pointy part... It'll still be painfulThe knives just feel really flimsy and delicate. I was afraid when putting them in the hands. As to stabbing, c'mon man they wouldn't be sharp. HT doesn't make metal weapons sharp. As to the helmet as i said it was my stupid mistake assuming they would make it metal. Don't know why i thought that.
Got mine 2 days ago. Haven’t bought a figure in awhile so I was really looking forward this.
It really makes me wish they had given him just some other kind of scepter after avengers. Loki really shouldn't be using little daggers.