Hot Toys MMS701 C-3PO (ROTJ)

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I don’t believe ssc has even shipped to third party retailers yet. This is barely coming out in dribbles and it dropped in what, February …

It was ridiculous a month ago. If this is an indication of how things are going forward I think we will all be in for excruciatingly long waits n the future…
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I believe there are still a lot of units still in China. I ordered locally (LCDN in Belgium). They usually get their stock 3 to 4 months after release but this 3PO was pushed back several months as well. My order was meant to be fulfilled in may but they postponed it to august.
I was wondering if anyone had luck in removing some of the red/brown weathering from this?
Decided to modify the eyes for 3PO. HT had some divots where the light bulbs were supposed to be. They then put paint in them that would reflect light from the front to give the appearance of them being lit.

Unfortunately it has the opposite effect when lit from behind. The light can't pass through the paint giving him 3 black dots in each eye. It doesn't help that the LED is as bright as a searchlight making the eyes shine like Yanosh's from Ghostbusters 2.

I remove the lens, drilled out the divots, placed a 1mm thick piece of plastic behind the lens to tone down the brightness, and put yellow paper behind that so the holes I drilled would be the right color.

I really like the result. Looks almost straight from the movie. I couldn't get the picture to come out with the right brightness or color. The eyes are dimmer and more golden in person.

If anyone tries this a word of warning. HT used a massive amount of glue to attach the plate to the back of the face. Be very careful removing so as not to flex the plastic on the face as it may damage the electroplating. Also, the grills on the outside of the lens are photoetched parts. They are ultra thin and can be damaged very easily. Just take your time and go slow and it should be fine.

What is going on with this figure? Ordered from Alterego and still haven't heard anything

Used to be about 5-6 weeks from the time the blogger photos came out. Over 4 months already now
More like Hot Toys. Correct? They’re the ones who supply the inventory.
Sideshow is the distributor who holds onto the product and gets it to all the other retailers as late as possible (not to mention heavily limiting how much they allocate to them) in the hopes more people will order from them at full MSRP and over-inflated shipping to get a few measly “reward” points.
Sideshow is the distributor who holds onto the product and gets it to all the other retailers as late as possible (not to mention heavily limiting how much they allocate to them) in the hopes more people will order from them at full MSRP and over-inflated shipping to get a few measly “reward” points.
I don’t know that that’s exactly true. Seems speculative. Sideshow doesn’t have any stock to sell now, but I’ve seen incoming notices from some retailers that get their stock from Sideshow. Also, I’ve gotten some of my figures from Sideshow supplied retailers on a couple of occasions before it was “in stock” and ready to ship from sideshow. I don’t think there’s a hoarding conspiracy here.
I don’t know that that’s exactly true. Seems speculative.
It’s not speculative at all. It’s what I’ve been told by one of those retailers; it’s why most of the retailers “sell out” so quickly on initial PO while Sideshow has plenty of leftovers. Hardly a conspiracy when the majority of retailers are relegated to less than 70 units per item (if I remember the conversation correctly) when it comes to Hot Toys (specifically), and often other manufacturers that Sideshow holds exclusive distribution rights to. When the other retailers ask for more of some items that they sell out of, they are almost never given more (that was years ago); now, they are told what their allocation is, and they are not allowed any more than that. Period. If you have a relationship with one of the retailers, start asking questions (they may or may not be able to give you an answer, as Sideshow has a tendency to push back on any negativity coming from the retailers, and will retaliate by cutting off their supply of Hot Toys (which makes up a large portion of sales), or reducing the allocation numbers even further. This type of behavior is why I don’t do business with Sideshow unless it’s absolutely necessary.
It's very obvious - the retailers who perform well or compete against SS are always kicked to the back of the line for their stock.

BBTS is quite literally ass-end to stock now. AE is getting drug out.

I had a local guy who told me that his shop was audited by Sideshow and frozen from ordering because of a google review he received. It stated his prices were great and he preferred buying from this guy rather than Sideshow - sideshow went after him and said he was underselling them and that's a no-no. After that all of his products had a price tag in ever promotional post he made.

I'm honestly surprised Sideshow hasn't just 'exclusified' HT products to their site and cut our all the middlemen. It'd fit their greedy tactics.
It's very obvious - the retailers who perform well or compete against SS are always kicked to the back of the line for their stock.

BBTS is quite literally ass-end to stock now. AE is getting drug out.

I had a local guy who told me that his shop was audited by Sideshow and frozen from ordering because of a google review he received. It stated his prices were great and he preferred buying from this guy rather than Sideshow - sideshow went after him and said he was underselling them and that's a no-no. After that all of his products had a price tag in ever promotional post he made.

I'm honestly surprised Sideshow hasn't just 'exclusified' HT products to their site and cut our all the middlemen. It'd fit their greedy tactics.
I wouldn't doubt that we end up there someday..."Sideshow: The EXCLUSIVE home of Hot Toys!"